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Free Science Backed Info + Take Action Plan

Fitness and Nutrition Coaching for women over 35
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Posted on | Strong Moves
Groups of 3 people max. Starts Saturday Oct 12th
Sign up for semi private workouts. Full body strength + cardio + core + stretching + mobility
CLICK HERE to sign up for your full body workout class.
Posted on | Awesome Foods
Three of my favorite delicious and simple soup recipes. PLUS my healthy quesadilla recipe. Scroll down and grab the goods
Posted on | Awesome Foods
We should all be consuming Omega 3 Fats daily. We need to be getting this from WILD fish sources. This post leaves you with an action plan on exactly how to do that. First lets start with 3 super cool facts you can impress others with:
“A fish has to stay limber and flexible at really cold temperatures, it’s those delicate polyunsaturated fats that help keep a fish really, really flexible and fluid, and it’s that same quality that polyunsaturated fats give to your brain,keeping your brain cell membranes nice and fluid and flexible, and so that’s why there’s this interesting relationship that our brains have with fish fat, that’s why fish oil is so important,
and the fish that are most abundant with that kind of fat, in particular DHA fat, which is one of
the most important structural building blocks of the brain is salmon.
It’s those Omega-3 fatty acids, DHA fat in particular, that keeps your brain cell membranes nice and supple and fluid, so that the receptors for various neurotransmitters, serotonin involved in having a healthy mood,dopamine involved in feelings of reward, acetylcholine, which is important for learning and memory, receptors for those neurotransmitters have to bob up to the surface of the cell
membrane, and they rely on that characteristic, that membrane fluidity in order to do so”
2. DHA (Docosahexaenoic acid) is the most beneficial component of Omega 3’s.
It’s found in marine algae. It’s the fish eating the algae that we get the DHA from. Farmed fish do NOT eat algae. This is why it’s super important to eat WILD fish. Farmed fish are often fed corn which creates inflammation in our body.
“DHA produces compounds called docosanoids, and docosanoids are both neuroprotective and antiinflammatory. It’s one reason why DHA is so good for the brain. And DHA also inhibits the expression of several inflammatory markers” Chris Kresser M.A
3. Humans need pre-formed omega 3’s. From fish not plant based sources. “Plant based Omega 3 sources (flax, chia, walnuts) do not convert easily to DHA. Vegetarians and vegans have been proven to be poor converters of ALA to DHA.” Max Lugavere
Most Americans need 2g of Omega 3’s daily. That means 2,000 mg total of EPA & DHA.
EPA = Eicosapentaenoic Acid. Reduces depression, lowers triglycerides, improves blood flow & heart health
DHA = Docosahexaenoic Acid. Neuro-protective + Anti- inflammatory. DHA is more highly needed by modern humans due to damaging stressors in our foods and everyday life.
These are pro-inflammatory and wreak havoc on our bodies (Heart disease, alzheimers, strokes, depression, poor cognitive function, hormone imbalances)
Ever since the industrial revolution we’ve been over-consuming Omega 6 fats from grain and seed oils (canola, sunflower, corn oil). We also started feeding corn and grains to livestock (rather than grass) . We are now consuming a ration of 20:1 (Omega 3’s to Omega 6 ratio) . “Our primal ancestors were consuming 1:1. We want to get to 3:1 ( Omega 6:Omega 3 ratio)” Chris Kresser M.S.
Here’s how 3 simple ways to decrease Omega 6 fats AND save money (less money on Omega 3 supplements!)
Use EVOO (low heat) Avocado Oil (medium heat) and grass-fed butter or ghee (high heat)
CLICK HERE for why eating whole fish is better than just supplementing
Look for “wild” on the label. If it doesn’t say wild it’s farmed and that has omega 6’s in it. The colder water and fattier fish give you the most bang for your buck. Here are your top choices
If you are eating fish less than 3x a week (high quality 4 ounce servings) You want:
Great podcasts with transcripts and science backed studies!
Shawn Stevenson with Max Lugavere
Chris Kresser,
Kwik Brain with Jim Kwik
Dr. Robert Lustwig on The Neuro Experience with Louisa Nicola
Posted on | Awesome Foods
Here is a quick set up for an amazing springtime treat! Super simple, healthy and delicious.
You don’t have to tell your guests that this is gluten free, grain free, dairy free & sugar free.. they would never guess:)
Click below to Link to each recipe:
Posted on | Awesome Foods
First off. Please know that “Cow Dairy” Does not mean eggs . For some bizarre reason people tend to think this. maybe it’s because eggs are found next to the milk and butter in most grocery stores. Also this does not mean beef. Beef is the meat, not the dairy:)
No Cow Dairy = No butter, cheese or milk from cows.
The short and simple explanation is that Cow Dairy has the most inflammatory types of casein protein. For the record ALL animal dairy (Goat, sheep, buffalo..) has Casein. It is specifically they type 1 Casein that causes the most trouble.
Remember this! Casein Type 1 & sometimes Type 2 is found in Cow Dairy. Casein type 1 causes the most inflammation. Best to steer clear of ALL cow milk and cheeses if you have a hard time digesting foods, have allergies AND/Or are trying to lose weight.
Super cool Fact #1
Many students of mine, including myself once thought they were allergic to cats. After taking out Cow Dairy completely we are no longer allergic to cats!
Also Cow Dairy kisks up gut inflammation, making it hard for most humans to digest cow milk. There is a reason MOST every other country does not consume cow milk like the United States does.
Super cool fact #2
on how to enjoy cow butter! Use Ghee.
Ghee is simply the clarified form of butter. That pesky casein protein is removed! My fav source of ghee is the brand Fourth and Heart! I use it everyday
Super Cool Fact #3
Goat and sheep milks and cheeses are great alternatives
CLICK HERE for an article with more info on why goat milk is much better than cow
Posted on | Video Lessons
We are starting on Jan 4th 2023 and Ending on Feb 14th (I misspoke in the video, we are doing six weeks, not eight)
Each week you work on one simple challenge. The challenges do stack ( week 3 = you do every day the challenges from week 1, 2 and 3 . This is not difficult, it just takes consistency.
Scroll to the bottom of this page for THIS week’s challenge (Jan
Let me know how you’re doing + any questions on my BURN BRIGHTER SUPPORT Facebook page CLICK HERE . Enough said.. Let’s Go!
If putting your phone away from your bed and in airplane mode 8 minutes before you go to sleep is a challenge, start there!
Just start increasing the time your phone is away from you before you go to sleep. Ideally you should be away form ALL electronic screens at least 20 minutes before bed and Wifi should be turned off or set to airplane mode.
For now, simply work on consistency and slowly build up your time.
Why your phone is harming your sleep and your body:
Your phone transmits EMF signals which greatly disrupt your sleep and healthy cellular functions.
There is scientific proof showing that EMF signals from our electronic devices (laptops, TV’s. ipads, phones) disrupt melatonin in our bodies. We need melatonin to sleep.
** Taking melatonin supplements is NOT advised. Melatonin is a hormone. When you artifically increase levels in your body with supplements, this will create an imbalance. Your body will start to produce less melatonin. Artificial increases in hormones will create unhealthy imbalances in your cellular functions.
CLICK HERE for the study on EMF signals and melatonin.
CLICK HERE for study on power lines and extra secretion of melatonin
& From UC Berkeley on EMF signals and the human body CLICK HERE
SWANWICK Blue light blocking glasses. CLICK HERE
CLICK HERE for your detailed guide complete with product buy links and recipes. Buy these things in the next 24 hours. Enjoy the tea tomorrow and make those Chocolate balls within the next 3 days #wegotthis
Step 1. STOP
Right when you notice the craving, stop everything. Try hard no to DO anything for at least 30 seconds. Just say to yourself “there it is” Know that you are a busy person that is used to doing and your mind is simply looking to do more and bring in more energy so you can keep doing.
Step 2. BREATH
Breath in and out through your nose. Try this pattern: Inhale 4 count Hold 7 count Exhale 8 count. Do up to 5 cycles. OR simply inhale fully through your nose and exhale fully through your nose. This will get you out of your head into your body, it will interrupt the pattern you have of getting a snack. It will also remind you that you do not need to be DOING anymore in your day
Step 3. SET A GOAL That is TOTALLY Doable.
Decide how many nights a week you can totally nail this. You are starting something new and you are going to need to do it for at least 65 days if you want this better habit to stick. I chose 4 nights a week. Once I nail that I can increase to 5 . I will allow myself to snack in the evenings 2 nights a week #bereal
This week we are honing our skills with snacking. Everyone gets snack cravings and often they are when we don’t really need to eat more OR are trying to undo old habits of snacking for better health.
This week simply move your snack to a smarter time! Eat when your body will burn it off and you won’t feel or look bloated later
Week Six! The best workout to do when you’ve slept poorly
Watch this video for a full workout that is perfect for those days that you’ve slept less than seven hours.
CLICK HERE for more info on WHY working out when you’ve slept less than seven hours will only make your body HOLD onto body fat and lower your immune health.
Posted on | Video Lessons
Here’s that FREE VIDEO PACKAGE! Four short videos with detailed steps that you can immediately put into action! CLICK here for that FREE Sleep Fit Video Package
If you need more convincing.. Check out all the benefits you will get with better sleep:
Posted on | Strong Moves
Let’s get to it! CLICK play and get moving with me. No gear needed
Get 2 full workouts with step by step instructions + downloadable guides HERE:
Posted on | Awesome Foods
I love this Gluten Free, Dairy Free, Delicious recipe from Against All Grain Cookbook Get the tools and ingredients now so you can enjoy baking these babies up for Holiday times!
Tools: Flour sifter, biscuit cutter ( or thick round cookie cutter mold) + stand mixer OR blender with dough mix setting, baking sheets & parchment paper
Makes 12 very small biscuits. I would double this for a group of 4 or more. Each person will want 3-4
Posted on | Stress Less
It can be really hard to be human. Doing is easy, staying busy we can handle pretty well. It’s the Being that gets tricky.
When we slow down and just be, that’s when things can go downhill quickly. That is when we notice the voice in our head. This is the mind babbling as is navigates every scenario you approach in your day. Experts have proven that this voice is there to keep us safe.
There are 4 specific experts that I turn to often. I listen to their TED talks, read their articles and review practices from their books. They give me sanity and hope often. I thought I’d share them with you.
All four experts (below) agree that this voice is there to keep us safe. Each one explains what this voice is, from a scientific viewpoint. They also all offer simple, strategic ways to navigate daily life and find peace of mind.
Below are 4 science backed resources that help us all understand and navigate that voice so you can have easier days and feel better.
**Also, turns out Oprah backs all four of these amazing guides as well! I’ve left links to free and quick resources from each guide/author.
Article from Oprah Magazine:
Tara Brach Podcast with Kristin Neff.
minutes 18-22 are gold in that podcast episode.
2. Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor,Ph.D, Neuro-Anatomist and Best Selling Author
CLICK here for free B.R.A.I.N resource from Dr. Jill. I use this daily (no joke)
This woman saved my life.
Two years ago, I was struggling big time. I was feeling immensely fragile and hopeless. I had a therapy session and was advised to watch Dr. Jill’s Ted Talk and to check out her book, Whole Brain Living
That same evening I watched her Viral Ted TALK (The first TED talk to ever go viral)!
I immediately bought her Whole Brain Living Book. I finished it in one week and I use her B.R.A.I.N roadmap every single day.
This book is a must read for every living human.
It breakdowns what is happening in our human brain in a totally understandable way
Even more important, it teaches you how you can step out of your thoughts & easily navigate your choices to BE how you truly want to be in everyday life.
CLICK HERE for 15 min TED talk
CLICK HERE for 40 minute episode with OPRAH
CLICK HERE to buy her book
Every human should know this information. I wish I had known this before I turned 18.
3. Michael Singer, Teacher on “How to separate the voice in your head from the real you”
Best Selling Author of Untethered Soul +
CLICK HERE for his book
CLICK HERE for his Podcast
CLICK HERE for episode with Oprah
4. Eckhart Tolle. Author of A New Earth
Teaches people how to stop identifying with the thoughts in your mind. How to live in the present moment and how to let the voice in your head pass by.
CLICK HERE for 5 min clip on Oprah HUGELY HELPFUL on thoughts of the past. I watch this a few times a year
CLICK HERE for his book A New Earth
CLICK her for his Essential Teachings Podcast Hosted by Oprah Winfrey
Bonus guide if you’re into spirituality..
5. Marianne Williamson , A Return to Love
She is a spiritual guide, political activist and author. Her book a Return to Love sold more than 1.5 million copies and has been published in 23 different languages.
I never would have read her work until Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor (above) stated that A Return to Love helps her find calm and regain sanity. Once I heard that in a webinar from Dr. Taylor I bought the audiobook. Eight minutes in and I was floored.
Marianne Williamson had called me out in a direct and loving way. I have now read 4 more of her books.
A Return to Love has immensely helped me find hope in myself and humanity
CLICK HERE for her episode with OPRAH
CLICK HERE for her book
CLICK HERE for her site
Therapists in the Seattle area AND also do virtual coaching anywhere
Making professional therapy accessible, affordable, and convenient — so anyone who struggles with life’s challenges can get help, anytime and anywhere.
BetterHelp offers access to licensed, trained, experienced, and accredited psychologists (PhD / PsyD), marriage and family therapists (LMFT), clinical social workers (LCSW / LMSW), and board licensed professional counselors (LPC).
Posted on | Stress Less
This breathing practice will help you keep your shit together.
I used it twice yesterday after watching the news (Uvalde Elementary School shooting) . I’ve also brought it to many students during strength training sessions ( it helps them step out of worried thoughts and become more present in their bodies)
No matter what is going on, you can use this simple practice to tell your body you are okay. When you feel you are safe in your body, your brain will work with you to feel better.
If you want more tools to quickly save your shit CLICK HERE for my 3 Sanity Saver Videos. Quick exercises custom created to quickly calm you down and regain your sanity .
Now, scroll down for the Hook Up Breath steps and science
Hook Up Exercise•Standing, Lying or seated cross one foot over the other (legs
always straight).
•Stretch out your arms and cross them in front of your body.
•As they are crossed, have the palms of the right and left hands
touch together and lock fingers.
•Loop the hands underneath the arms and pull the arms close to
the chest (twisted into a pretzel).
•Hold this position for 2 to 5 minutes or for as long as you need to
calm your body.
** This is my favorite breath exercise. It links up both sides of the brain. This makes
the whole brain more available.
This is from Dr. Paul and Gail Dennison of The Brain Gym CLICK HERE for info on them and their resources
Please share this with others and use for yourself. Take care of yourself and each other
Love, Bre
Posted on | Video Lessons
Life is busy! You need an easy way to keep up with your day without resorting to shoddy foods that hold you back.
I’ve got healthy foods that taste good and work amazingly well on super busy days! You totally deserve
They need to be quick to grab, taste delicious and they can’t slow you down. That’s exactly what you get right here! CLICK below to get started
This Video Lesson is complete with 2 videos & 5 (downloadable) take action guides.
**PLUS 2 bonus videos that every busy person needs
This lesson easily sets you up no matter where you are or how hectic your day is.
You’ll also totally stay on track on home work days when you typically forget to eat or drink water:)
CLICK HERE to get this Complete Lesson for $14.96
Below is EXACTLY what you get in this lesson:
First video is for when can prep your foods for 30 minutes a week. That’s twice a week, 15 minutes each time
Second video is for when you have no time to prep AND may not have access to a kitchen or fridge.
YES! There are lots of vegetarian & vegan options
Posted on | Video Lessons
First off, huge props to Neuro-anatomist Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor and Psychologist Dr. Joan Rosenberg for discovering this 90 second rule (Please scroll to the bottom of this post for science backed links from both women)
In 90 seconds you can burn body fat, gain muscle, think better and become more productive in your day. Oh yeah and you’ll also be in a better mood:)
All you have to do is STOP and do nothing for 90 seconds
Do not interact with anything (no phone, computer, live people) Don’t pick up anything. Just breathe through your nose and let yourself BE for 90 seconds.
That’s it. That’s all it takes to stop a whole cascade of harmful hormones and reactions that work against your body.
Here’s why this works:
When we start thinking of a lot of things our bodies producing stress hormones. We increase adrenaline, cortisol, norepinephrine, ghrelin… and our systems go haywire.
The 90 second rule works because you’re allowing your body to catch up with your brain. Remember this: Your brain moves faster than your body. Waay faster! ( It’s why you engage in a difficult work task and feel exhausted much later)
When we KEEP doing all the things to keep up with our thoughts we throw our bodies into imbalance.
We can stop this imbalance, step out of stress mode and step into healthy mode. All we have to do is stop.
Does your body feel tight. How’s your heart rate & breathe. Is your gut clenched? To me this feels like nervous whirring energy. I call it “whirlwindy” You may call it overwhelm, anxiousness etc.. Whatever it is for you it’s working against you. When you keep feeling those difficult feelings your body gets messed up.
We’ve simply forgotten to stop and let our bodies catch up with our brains!
When you keep thinking and doing. Your body holds onto fat. Your brain gets foggy and has difficulty learning or remembering. Your heart races and breathing stops or you start mouth breathing. You may get gassy or constipated. You may also get defensive towards yourself and others.
We are beings in a very busy thinking & doing world. This really messes up our bodies.
DO nothing for 90 seconds. Do this 2-4 times daily.
I will admit this is challenging. Not because it’s difficult, because it’s different!
Tell yourself: “This is not difficult, this is just different”(that helps me stay in the 90 seconds)
This video will simply tell you that I succeeded or failed at the 90 second rule that day and what I noticed. I’d love for you to add your own experiences or comments.
This is a game changer. Let’s do this!
CLICK HERE for scientific explanation and practice from Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor in Psychology Today
CLICK HERE for short TED talk from Dr. Joan Rosenberg.
Here’s a more in depth podcast episode I came across this on Dr. Mark Hyman’s Broken Brain Podcast
I can’t wait for you to get these benefits and share this info with others.
Love, Bre
Posted on | Video Lessons
How would it feel today if you could easily eat healthy foods today that you actually really liked?
How about if you easily got in some exercise, that was fun and took very little time? If you’re saying “Hell, Yes!” then watch my video above.
Feel stronger and have easier days right now! Take Action with my lessons below
START with #1. Sleep! Watch the Video then grab your Free Video Package at the link below.
SLEEP Fitness Pack CLICK HERE FREE for you!
No matter what fitness or nutrition goal you have, you’ve got to nail your sleep habits. Check out these 4 videos that hand you steps and products to get you stellar sleep.
Once you’ve started working on these.. then you can add on the workouts and great foods!
Two free workout videos that you can do anytime anywhere. No gear required. CLICK HERE to get your goods!
– You know those days where you get home late and overwhelmed from the day. Or maybe you’re just hangry and are about to mow down in a bag of chips for dinner?
Posted on | Awesome Foods
Chocolate is a legit superfood! CLICK RIGHT HERE to get the quick run down on it’s powers and how to get the best stuff for your body
Below are my top 3 chocolate recipes. Enjoy and Share with others. OH! comment below and let me know what you think:)
Posted on | Awesome Foods
This video tells you the science behind cacao’s bliss chemicals. Below the video get links to great products, recipes & more info on your body’s Endocannabiniod System. Relax your body and mind while becoming stronger!
Posted on | Awesome Foods
This is my go to set up for a great cleanse that is affordable, super practical and powerful!
It’s simply: Water, coffee, bottled green juices with one ginger elixir shot, then a cleansing salad for dinner.
YOU should do this cleanse on less active days. Just follow the 7 steps daily for 3 days.
1. First thing when you wake up = Water!
Drink at least 12 oz before your first cup of coffee
2. COFFEE! If coffee is not for you skip to #3
Only have Bulletproof Coffee OR plain coffee
CLICK HERE for Bulletproof Video and guide
3. More Water. Drink another 20 -32 ounces within 2 hours of waking up.
4. WHEN very hungry =
KOR Ginger Shot + One Green juice EVOLUTION, Green Devotion
(See 2 other green juice choices below) Evolution Essential Greens
OR Columbia Gorge “ Just Greens”
#5. When very hungry again have another Green juice. Either of the Evolution Greens OR Columbia Gorge is great!
6. Dinner = Cleansing Salad with healthy fats and lean protein.
Use Primal Kitchen Dressings.
My fav is lemon turmeric.
#7. Go to bed!
Feeling hungry after dinner. Try your best not to eat within 3 hours of bedtime. Best fix is to have some herbal tea and hit the hay!
Rinse and repeat for 2 more days:)
Posted on | Strong Moves
Here are 4 quick workouts you can get done no matter what! Number four is in heels with standing room only. No excuses can exist here:)
Each one is less than 1 minute. You don’t need workout clothes or gear. Just watch the video and follow steps below each one. All you gotta do is:
Here’s Micro Workout #2 (Below)
Happy Holidays!
Posted on | Awesome Foods
Here’s something to make you smile Caffeine has huge health benefits I have the complete set up for you! Hard Backed Science from fancy pants journals + fun videos on how to make great coffee
Scroll down, click and enjoy (I have coffee alternatives too) It’s all here for you to feel strong with and have easier days
Check out all the nutrition bangs for your buck. Impress your friends with facts like ” coffee increases your body’s brown body fat. This is body fat that actually burns more calories!”
There’s tons more cool fact for you in these guides. Just CLICK on each one below.
Bulletproof Coffee My home video on why you want this every morning AND What to do. Learn why this torches body fat and gives you serious lasting health benefits
Please send this info onto your favorite people, they deserve the best stuff too!
Posted on | Awesome Foods
The benefits of coffee are so huge, I gave coffee beans their own page CLICK HERE for “why coffee is awesome”
#1 Increases your ability to burn body fat ( when you are active)
Next up in benefits with coffee and tea is the
#2 Polyphenols!
coffee has the most polyphenols
What are Polyphenols? Naturally occurring compounds in plants that protect against pathogens and radiation (disease causing pollutants and sun damage) .
When you ingest polyphenols your colon utlizes most of it to protect your body from free radicals ( anti cancer) and create more friendly bacteria in your gut (better digestion and brain health)
#3 Green Tea has L Theanine & Catechins!
Catechins = Antioxidants in green tea that increases the rate at which body fat gets burned for fuel ( speeds up fat burning when you move)
L- Theanine – Green Tea contains Theanine. The Amino Acid that increases activity of GABA (your brains neurotransmitter which reduces anxiety and helps you feel calm and centered. L Theanine Icreases Alpha brina waves, enhances focus and creativity.
Black tea and green tea come from the same plant. What makes black tea different is the fermentation. TO make black tea , the leaves are rolled and then exposed to air to trigger fermentation. This reaction causes the leaves to turn dark brown and allows flavors to heighten and intensify.
Black tea also helps the body burn fat for fuel ( thermogenic)
#4 Black Tea Lowers Cortisol/ Reduces Stress
“Black Tea has been proven to reduce stress levels . Study published in peer related journal psychopharmacology, found that drinking 4 cups of black tea each day for 6 weeks directly lowered cortisol levels. ( From Eat Smater pp.195 by Shawn Stephenson)”
So there you have it, four big ass reasons to keep caffeine in your lifestyle. Just make sure and consume the highest quality caffeine. (BEST matcha, coffee beans, chocolate, black tea..)
Posted on | Uncategorized
This is for people opt out of coffee for whatever reason. If you’re on the fence CLICK here for coffee benefits. If you are most sure that coffee is not your thing, read on:
My first recommendations are options that contain caffeine. There’s a truckload of super healthy benefits to caffeine (when it’s from high quality coffee beans, tea leaves & chocolate) . The benefits of caffeine are below my top 3 options for you. Enjoy!
#1. Japanese Matcha Green Tea. Caffeinated Breakaway Matcha
When opting for Green Tea, choose Japanese and Matcha. Japanese green tea has more antioxidants than China sourced. Matcha is green tea that is less damaged and less oxidized. Shade grown and more carefully extracted.
The top brand to go with is Breakaway Matcha . I have a monthly subscription and use “Blend 93” . They make it super easy to find the match for you.
This company is obsessed with quality. You will get more clean caffeine and polyphenols as well as amazing nutrients from their shade grown leaves such as, zinc, vitamin C, E, B1, B2, B3 & B6 (these 4 B’s help with cellular integrity, lowering stress & metabolic processes). ALSO Matcha has L- Theanine, This nutrient helps you feel more centered and relaxed. This is because it can cross your blood brain barrier and increases GABA ( your neurotransmitter that helps you reduce anxiety)
The next best brand on store shelves is PUKKA. Click here for Amazon link
Matcha is great anytime up till about 4 hours before you go to bed. 3 cups a day is ideal
Mud Water is nutrient packed ground goodness that has caffeine ( Cacao content). It also boasts a bunch of super healthy spices and mushroom extracts
These boost your immune system, decrease inflammation and boost your energy & focus. Just click on this link to their site for all the benefits
If you can’t have Caffeine:
#3 = PUKKA tea TURMERIC ACTIVE. CLICK here for Amazon Link
Posted on | Strong Moves
(Scroll down for Full workout video ) + CLICK HERE for why matcha or coffee is advised before you move!
Wouldn’t it be awesome if you could move for 90 seconds and get the same results that come from a half hour workout?
You can. It’s called a “microworkout”. Do it now:
Scroll down! I have a video and steps to show you exactly what to do. You won’t even have to change your clothes!
Wait, Wait! FIRST, KNOW WHY.. Make sure and Read below the quick science on why micro workouts work so well:)
It’s all about lowering your stress hormone, Cortisol.
Cortisol makes your body create fat. If you already have a stress packed day AND you cram in a hard workout over 20 minutes, you are creating even more cortisol. Hello bad sleep, belly fat, exhaustion and brain fog.
Our human bodies were designed to handle very short bursts of stress (run from a tiger, hide in battle) We were not designed to handle prolonged stress (stressful work emails, world news, bad traffic, drama at home.. NOW put a hard workout on top of any one of these things and you are in an uphill battle with cortisol surging inside of you.
Here’s how we fix this: Drop the long workout. Do short movement breaks often throughout your day. Take 90 seconds every 2 hours = 5-6 move breaks OR 4-6 minutes 3-4x in your day. ** I put a CAVEAT below if you have plenty o’time and have little stress in your days
Okay! The video is below. To burn the most body fat and get better brain health- drink a double americano or green tea before you move. CLICK HERE for they why and what to have
If your day is stress packed make the moves easeful. Your body does not need more stress put on it (hello major setbacks). I have examples in the video for you:)
If you are having an easier day- make the moves more vigorous (Sprint up a hill, Do 5-10 pushups) Just make sure you stick to the formula: 1 strength move, 1 cardio move, 1 easy rotational move. It’s all in the video for you!
Now Take action. Do these 4 steps shown in Video:
Repeat #2-4 until you’ve reached up to the time amount you can take – up to 4 minutes. Repeat this 3-6 times more today. The more often you do it, the less time each break.
Our bodies will create good changes when we do movements we can FREQUENTLY and CONSISTENTLY Sustain. It’s time to change, my friend. I’m here with you:)
IF your body is used to longer workouts AND you can sustain those without adding more stress to your day, keep them! ADD in these micro workouts if you’re wanting to see even more results.
THE BIG takeaway here
IF you are frantically trying to keep up with your day AND cramming in a workout, chances are you are working against yourself by creating more cortisol. If that’s the case with your longer workouts – take them out and add in Micro Workouts.
** If you have time to do the longer workouts AND you want more results AND you have the time without adding more stress- then you can ADD the Micro workouts with the longer workouts.
Don’t America this, my friend. More is not better. High quality and less stuff is better:)
BELOW = Journal backed SCIENCE on why “MICRO- WORKOUTS get more results
Posted on | Strong Moves
Happy August, I’m super excited to share new foods and moves with with you!
This Video guide quickly sets you up with 3 delicious healthy dinners per week WITHOUT heating up your kitchen.
Super Simple Crockpot recipes: Tikka Masala AND Ropa Vieja!
This Movement Video teaches you how to reach your goal faster by simply doing ONE thing very often. This works on non-fitness goals too! Check out my patterning protocol that I’m using to get me to a One Arm Push Up.
I set up a whole program for you, join me and improve your 2 hand push up! CLICK above, watch and enjoy.
Also leave me a comment on what you think of these, please
Posted on | Awesome Foods
Summer may seem like a weird time for crock pot recipes, but really it’s the perfect set up. You spend very little time in the kitchen and you don’t use your stove/oven. Win, win!
The best part is you cook once, with very little time of your own then you have a great meal for 2 people for 2-3 meals. I often cook one recipe and have it for 3 dinners (Sat, Mon & Wed.. my longest days) I can reheat it and have a kick ass dinner ready in just 4 mins.
Simply reheat on the stove top then serve it over raw spinach, chard or kale with goat cheese, walnut and avocado.
Here are 2 crock pot recipes that I use super often in the summer. CLICK on each below and enjoy!
Serve these up instead of using your outside grill. Two carcinogenic compounds (HCA’s + PAH’s) are formed with open flames and dry air.
** Pro Tip! Double the recipe – If you don’t have 2 crockpots- put the raw ingredients in a large freezer ziplock bag- simply freeze it until you are ready to cook again. Take it out of the freezer on a busy work morning, let it cook for up to 9 hours on low (no need to be home) and whallah, you’re set!
Posted on | Strong Moves
You want more healthy blood flow. Many of us have poor blood flow due to low levels of Nitric Oxide. This is 101 of your human operating manual.
When you have more blood that moves better through your body you fully absorb the nutrients from your foods. This helps you stay free of a bunch of scary diseases AND instantly improves your brain health.
Nitric Oxide is THE molecule that makes all this happen!
Many people have low levels of Nitric Oxide. Here is how you can instantly improve production of NO to reduce your risk of a bunch of scary diseases and upgrade your performance on every level!
My video course hands you all the tools to boost NO production right away.
CLICK Here to get started with my 4 video course
Posted on | Video Lessons
This is your June Newsletter. I’m focusing it all on Nitric Oxide! This will help you fight off seasonal allergies, reach your training goals & stay focused in your work day.
Nitric Oxide is a game changer, many people don’t know much about! You can easily boost production of NO immediately. CLICK HERE to see how you can test your Nitric Oxide Levels and the steps you can take to increase NO in your body and reduce a whole truckload of health issues.
Posted on | Awesome Foods
This is my favorite snack! I use these often to get through a long workday or right before a workout. Cool thing is they are great as a bedtime snack (when you are too hungry to get to sleep)
Not only do they taste amazing, they are super great right before a workout when you need some quick fuel.Here’s a quick list of their nutritional benefits:
Decadent (easy/no bake) Cacao Balls
*makes about 25 balls
•1/4 cup hempseed
•1 cup cacao powder
•4 tbsp Spirulina OR 4 tbsp powdered peanut butter PB2
•4 tbsp coconut oil
•6 tbsp raw honey
•2 pinch pink himalayan salt
•1/4cup unsweetened flaked coconut, small flakes
Combine all ingredients in a large bowl. You can roll these right away, but it’s pretty messy on the hands. I like using this process:
Put in the fridge for at least one hour ( up to 4 days) Then take out and let stand for an hour. With your clean hands roll into small balls.
I tear up sheets of foil into small sheets and wrap each ball in foil!
Refrigerate enough for 1-2 weeks + Freeze the rest and save up to 5 months
Posted on | Video Lessons
Nitric Oxide is literally THE miracle molecule in your body. It dilates and widens your blood vessels. This means you have better blood flow throughout your body. THAT means you reduce your risk of heart attacks, strokes, diabetes, memory loss & low libido. All are related to reduced blood flow in your arteries. CHECK THIS OUT – salt, sugar & mouth breathing (And mouthwash) decreases your Nitric Oxide levels.
Watch my video below and take action! I made 4 short videos that hand you Nitric Oxide increasing foods, workout moves & breath practices. Check it out at the link below.
I made a video course with 4 video lessons showing you exactly what I learned and did CLICK HERE
Here’s why you want to keep NO (Nitric Oxide) levels high in your body. Low levels of NO leads to high blood pressure, heart attacks, low libido, lack of cardio endurance, muscle soreness, anxiety, brain fog, depression and diabetes. It also helps you learn better and reduces the severity and duration of Covid 19!
No one knew about it till 1990 when Dr. Louis Ignarro discovered it and won the Nobel prize. Oh yeah, it also is why Viagra exists and it’s been saves newborns that cannot breath on their own.
CLICK HERE to check out my Nitric Oxide Video Course
If you would like to dig into this more yourself, here’s an amazing podcast from Oct of 2020 on the Broken Brain Podcast with Dr. Ignarro (He discovered Nitric Oxide in 1989)
Episode Web page CLICK HERE for details
Click here for info on Dr. Ignarro who discovered Nitric Oxide in the Human Body
The Video (YouTube version is below
Posted on | Video Lessons
Posted on | Strong Moves
If you want to lean out ( lose weight, drop inches, see muscle definition) AND you have little time in your day to workout, no problem! Just do these short NEAT workouts. Watch my Videos (1 with a kettlebell, 1 with no gear needed) Follow the steps below & Enjoy!
Here’s a video with some moves you can do in 3-5 mins. Watch the video, DO the moves and then schedule 3 more times in your day to do them again.
work out in short bouts 4-15 mins 3-4 times throughout your day.
Here’s another workout Video if you do not have Kettlebells at home
If you want more challenging or goal specific moves, connect with me and I’ll set you up with a personalized program ASAP. 206-310-9079 or
Posted on | Video Lessons
I’m so excited to give you this video guide
It’s all about making better decisions faster.That’s why I created these 3 videos. Watch the short intro video (below) as to why this works and how to do it.
Watch each video and follow the simple guide with each one. Enjoy!!
Follow this simple rule to stay on track daily and drop habits that are holding you back
CLICK HERE for the 4 min video and follow the 3 step guide below that.
#3 Make your Blueprint – literally!
Watch this Fun video. Then have fun doing it!
Follow my 5 step guide and examples. This is well worth it.
WORK with me- Need some support, challenges to keep you moving forward and accountability to make sure you keep doing the work? I get that. CLICK HERE to work with me AND email me at to set up a 15 min consult call
Posted on | Strong Moves
I’m excited to share 3 simple tools that help me celebrate the holidays AND keep moving forward. Just scroll, click, learn and DO:)
#1. 90 Second Rule from Dr. Joan Rosenberg
How often to you feel overwhelmed, get distracted and regret how your day went? This tool is helping me have way less of those days. I’m honestly amazed at how game changing this has been for me.
There’s a bunch of science proving that when you take 90 seconds you can do better as a human on every level. When I practice Dr. Joan’s simple formula (CLICK HERE) I get more done in my day, I make better choices, I am more patient and I sleep better. Sounds silly and simple, but you really must check out what the 90 second rule is and exactly why every human should be practicing it daily
These 2 keep me from diving into nighttime snacks I will regret later. In fact I just grabbed a cacao ball to hold me over for an hour before dinner and later this eve I’m definitely going to enjoy some goldenmilk. This will keep my mitts off the leftover pumpkin pie and ice cream If you tend to be a nighttime nosher or imbiber – these will fix you up way better. They are delicious (seriously) and super comforting. In fact both will help you de stress and sleep better. CLICK HERE for the goods.
#3. This Fun NO excuse Home Workout! 8 mins
I made this VIDEO for Thanksgiving week, but you should keep using this anytime you need to squeeze in a workout and/ or quickly reset yourself (you will feel way better after just 3 mins, trust me) Plus you get to move and have fun with me! CLICK here for my 8 min Home Workout video (no gear needed)
Posted on | Strong Moves
Happy Turkey Day week! Thanksgiving is the EATING holiday, that’s why you have this workout (video below) to help you feel a bit better:)
Also please know that THIS (2020) Thanksgiving is especially important that you get you butt moving more. Thanks to covid, social restrictions, uncertainty… we all need to calm our nervous system, boost our moods & forge stronger immune systems. Now watch, DO & enjoy!
Please use these moves often to keep yourself feeling better daily There is a list of each move with the reps below. Do #1-4 in order with reps listed, 2 sets. Then DO second part only 1-5 for up to 25 mins. Just keep going. Even just 5 mins is great!
Posted on | Stress Less
This episode from “Unlocking Us” is a serious game changer. Not only does it apply to EVERY human right now, but it also hands us 5 super practical tools that we can use immediately.
Don’t deny yourself this info, CLICK here to listen now – even if you only have 5 mins Listen then come back to it over the next few days. It will make ANY day feel way easier:) #knowbetterdobetter
Posted on | Strong Moves
Um, it’s election month of 2020, in America. That means some weird shit may go down.
To help you deal with junky mood or tough feelings, I made a video of the 3 moves I kick out when I’m needing to release energy (without hurting anyone) The full video is below. I broke down each of the 3 moves in separate very short videos. Enjoy!
Do #1 Hi-ya’s 3 right then 3 left. #2 whaps 3/3 alt #3 Head rolls/ “Everything’s Okay” 3/3. Repeat 1-3 in order 3 each move till you feel better. I broke down each one below for you
Ist Move = Hi-Ya’s!
Everything’s gonna Be Okay:)
Posted on | Strong Moves
This might be a doozy of a month. That’s why I created this sweet ass election care package for you:) Scroll down for my quick vids for grilled cheese, quick workout moves & the podcast that hands you 5 tools to deal with burnout, stress.. basically it will make any day feel easier:)
Posted on | Awesome Foods
With so much conflicting info, it’s easy to feel nervous & overwhelmed about protein. What to eat, why and what will it do to us?
That’s why I’m making you a video that will totally set you up. About protein! First I need to know, What would totally set YOU up? How long would your ideal video be? Once you take this 3 question (30 sec survey) I can get started! CLICK HERE
Imagine yourself waking up tomorrow and knowing exactly what to eat all day long. You confidently cruise through the grocery store, you easily make the best choice off any menu. You calmly navigate any event or family dinner. You keep doing it all easily every day. You deserve THAT!
You also deserve to look amazing in your favorite jeans, stay cancer free & feel kickass. I have those tools and info for you. I want to give them to you in an 8 minute video with guides you can download and take action with immediately. So please, real quick CLICK HERE to tell me What would totally set you up? This 3 question survey will take you 1 minute
Feel free to email me at with any questions.
Posted on | Strong Moves
Here are 4 things I can’t wait to share with you this month.
I’ve got to start with the biggest game changer I’m using multiple times a day. For the past 8 weeks this App: “Mood Meter” has got me eating more mindfully, getting more out of my workouts & I’m sleeping better
My #1 success tool to nail ANY movement (ex: pushups) Watch the video and follow my easy guide.
#3 Black Lives Matter Donation workout. FREE Workout Sept 3rd 7:10 AM-8 AM. Proceeds go to EMBRACE RACE
#4. NEW! Two fridays a month = FREE nutrition support!! Sept 4th & 18th 6-6:20 AM PST ( 20 minute Group zoom meetings)
Posted on | Stress Less
I love that when we feel strong everything feels easier. That’s why I made these 3 new videos for you! Customized for warm summer days. Click on Each Below. Watch, TAKE ACTION & Enjoy
Posted on | Strong Moves
Oct 1st Thurs @ 7:10 – 8AM. My LAST #BLM Free workout.
Time: Oct 1, 2020 07:10 AM Pacific Time Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 852 8332 4372
Passcode: 009632
We will be donating to BEAM Black Emotional and Mental Health Collective CLICK HERE for info on BEAM.
Even though this is my last FREE workout for you. I WILL keep supporting BLM foundations monthly. I will keep you posted in my monthly newsletters.
This will be my last free BLM workout. CLICK HERE to see what I’m working on now for you!
Below are the last 3 foundations we donated to. Please Click on each one for more info on each amazing organization.
click HERE to donate for yourself to BEAM! Feel free to text me at 206-310-9079 with any questions. See you Thurs Oct 1 @ 7:10 AM Tell your friends- this is open to ANYONE:) #strongertogether
Posted on | Video Lessons
FREE resources Here for you Right Now! Plus continued support options below
It is tough to know how to keep fit right now. We want to get back to our gyms & studios, but is it safe? How do we know exactly what to do?
Getting in my car once a week to get groceries with my face mask & sanitizer wipes is now routine. I’m doing my best to limit social exposure and us all safe & happy That is why I have 3 video training options for you RIGHT HERE! (scroll down)
Virtual Training Online Zoom Workouts – One on One training and group workouts. Personalized programming with detailed homework. I make sure to keep an eye on your form so you can stay safe and meet your goals. Click Here for more info and details.
People are saying: “I would advise others to do this. Your care about form (and watch us despite imperfect phone/computer angles), killer workouts, kindness, expertise make these workouts the best substitution possible since we can’t be in person. You are positive, supportive & patient. I love the workouts and homework to keep it up (well, as much as possible!!) during the week. Amy, Full time working from home + schooling 2 kids
Stay Brighter Video Series. Weekly Videos (pre-recorded) workouts + recipes. Click HERE for a free 2 week sample! I’ve got 4 more weeks in store after this to keep you going strong
“Thank you so much. Your videos are amazing and very helpful as are your meal planning. Thank you for your ongoing support” Sandy, Nurse
Sanity Saver Moves- Three short videos to get you moving daily and drop stress. After 3 weeks of positive feedback,from the Harborview Medical Staff, I’m passing it on to you!
“Thanks for sending this! This is just what I need after a crazy week! ” M.D. from Harborview Medical
Click Here for details and to get immediate access.3 simple downloadable guides, you can take action immediately. You get a full workout, quick 3 min reset + breathing exercises to calm your nervous system
Posted on | Strong Moves
It’s time to get a better set up at home! This will help you interact better with any type of coaching/video sessions you have.CLICK here for virtual training with me!
If you have your smart phone, tablet or computer down low (below 3 feet/ 36 inches) STOP! You are doing your body harm. Watch the video & follow the steps below
1. Get a large screen device, do the best you can. I am using my MacBook laptop. The camera view will be larger so others can see you better & You will not be constantly peering in to see them
2. Put your device up high– At least 3 feet! Take time to find a great, permanent set up for this. I am using the seat of a high office chair in my office and 2 yoga blocks underneath my laptop. Outside I have a tall, rolling beverage cooler from Amazon with yoga blocks taped down on top of that to add height
3. Be ready!! Set up your device then give it a test – can your screen see all you want it to. I take a good 8 mins before any call to set up my space.
This includes having your workout gear ready & if you’re one of my students – print out that program I sent you, please!!I work hard to send very detailed programs so you can move confidently and if we have any interruptions you can keep moving well.
Now, promptly! Order/Buy yourself higher surfaces, larger screens to keep doing all your things. You will need this better set up every day.
Posted on | Strong Moves
To have the best experience you need the right tools. I’ve listed all you need to stay in shape with limited space.
First we start with your device set up. Stop using your furniture and books to prop up your computer. Your form will suffer, you may develop aches and pangs and it is frustrating to interact with!
For fitness gear. Scroll down for all the goods:)
#1 Tool: Yoga Mat.
Get the best one- Manduka, don’t go cheap on this. You will forever be frustrated and you will be using this a lot for park and home workouts
Click here for link off Amazon. If you can’t get Manduka brand. Look at Gaia products
#2 Tool: Perform Better Superband – 1/2 inch
Superbands! Order 3-4 of these. They work well and you will wear through them. Great for Travel workouts!
Get a 1/2” to 3/4 inch .
1 inch and above is too much resistance
#4 Tool: Two Cork Yoga Blocks
CLICK here for amazon link. I like this NODE brand for it’s value. Manduka is the best hands down:) You will need to order 2 @ $20 each – costs a bit more and worth it!
This has the best edges that will secure and feel good to your hands
ALSO… ONE FOAM Yoga Block . just one for inner thigh and ab work
CLICK HERE for foam block order link
#5 Tool. Slam Balls – great to get out frustrations + awesome modification for swings. DO NOT order “medicine balls”
#6 tool. Foam Roller – TOTALLY essential! Check yourself before you wreck yourself
contact me if you do not know how to use this.
Kettlebells – Hands down, the #1 tool you need at home.The magic’s in the bell, literally! It all comes down to architecture of the weight.
Because they are round, kettlebells work your larger, deeper muscles. This not only keeps your joints safe, it also torches calories! Here are the weights that’ll keep you doing awesome at home.
Wait, wait! Read below first before ordering weights online:
Do not order non round/ adjustable bells
You want iron only – no rubber bottoms or vinyl coated. If it’s not iron all the way around your grip will suck – which means you don’t get as strong as fast. Also the rubber bottoms and different coatings will mess up your form and your floors.
Get these bells to have at home (NOTE up to 18 pounds are in lbs- beyond that is all Kg) 1 Kg = 2.204 lbs ( 10 kg bell = 22 lbs)
Below is the best set up for anyone who’s doing bells at home for more than 3 weeks.
If you gotta scale down then go with this: most basic set up/ essentials = 1x 14 lb, 1×18 lb, 2x10kg + 1 x16 Kg (to start with)
Strongfirst is the best choice hands down. As of Sept 10th they’ve been filling orders faster than Amazon retailers & they are the best quality = well worth the price! CLICK HERE to order
Below are the top available brands on AMAZON to find bells.
RKC, Rep Kettlebells & Yes4all.
If Amazon doesn’t have bells available at either above – Order off, ONNITfitness or
Posted on | Awesome Foods
Q: Chocolate is good for you? A: Over 80% Cacao chocolate is good for you. Read that again… Cacao, not Cocoa.
CACAO is the amazing bean itself found in the earth’s most nutrient dense areas (Amazon, Peru…) The beans ground down- still Cacao. Once we treat it and add sugar to it, it becomes Cocoa!
That sugar takes away the superpowers of the Cacao. Hello Inflammation! sugar confuses our human bodies and kicks up an immune response.
Below is a list of the best stuff for you to use:) Scroll below the products to see “Cacao’s 4 Top Jaw Dropping Benefits”
CLICK HERE for my 3 top recipes
Below are great options that you can easily find in stores (Try Whole Foods, Amazon and Co-ops)
#1 Honey Mama CLICK HERE I love this because the sweetener is RAW HONEY.
#2 fav = TAZA Wicked Dark, 95 % dark You will not be able to find any chocolate bar without ANY sweetener in it, if you do- you will most likely hate the taste.. hence the sweeteners.
#3 = Raw, Organic Cacao Powder. Ingredients should only say: Cacao.
Cacao is the ONLY Non Cannabis plant that contains Anandanide. This is a cannabonoid endorphin found in the human body after we exercise (this includes sex) This is why we feel relaxed + a little high after exercise and sex. Cacao also delivers this to us. AMAZEBALLS! Anandamine, is a “trigger mechanism for endorphin release.” Psychology Today
3. Theobromine = A close chemical relative to caffeine. Cacao actually has very little caffeine. It has more theobromine! Unlike caffeine, this is not a nervous system stimulant = good! Theobromine dilates the cardiovascular system, making the heart’s job easier.
4. Tryptophan = nutrient that creates serotonin production. We all want more serotonin. This is the neurotransmitter that reduces anxiety. It helps humans instantly feel calm, handle stress better & sleep better. It is similar in structure to melatonin and DMT.
More of cacao’s nutrients:
Choc bar – like Taza = 3x a week max @ 1 thumb size. Twice a week for weight loss OR
Hot Choc – 2 x a week – 12 ounces max (recipe makes 2). Once a week if your goal is weight loss
OR Honey mama – 1/3 a package twice a week. once a week if your goal is weight loss
Posted on | Awesome Foods
Posted on | Strong Moves
It’s Fall! Perfect time to get set up with
Two simple moves back to back for 5-10 mins! VIDEO with Details at link above
Totally delicious, comforting AND free of corn and dairy!
Podcast to change your life! This episode dropped some serious truth bombs that have got me doing way better daily
Shelly Lefkoe ON Broken Brain Podcast:
Posted on | Podcasts
This is by far my MOST game changing podcast episode I’ve ever listened to. If you’re into doing better in daily life and if you’re a human being need to hear this episode.
This BROKEN BRAIN podcast episode is with Shelly Lefkoe of the Lefkoe Institute. The Lefkoe Institute gets humans to finally stop screwing themselves over.
Shelly calls it – “Breaking through Limiting Beliefs”
All I know is I’ve been practicing their steps and I’m screwing myself over way less. I’m moving forward in life on a lot of levels and daily life is Waaay easier lately- on every level.
THIS podcast episode literally stopped me in my tracks. I pulled over the first time I heard it – And I’ve listened to it 3 times now.
I’ve been practicing the tips Shelly gave and it really is keeping me from Limiting Myself daily
THIS EPISODE will get you to see how you’ve been liming yourself + Hand you tools to finally free yourself, immediately!
Basically they make it easy to change your hard to change behaviors. You know the daily stuff that is totally making you screw yourself over Their goal is to help each human feel free. Freedom that comes when we STOP our limiting beliefs.
Shelly Lefkoe – is on a mission (with the LEFKOE INSTITUTE) to guide people to their own freedom.
CLICK HERE to LISTEN to on the BROKEN BRAIN Podcast with host, Duro Purohit
Here’s a quick summary to entice you:
We screw ourselves up in life when we assign meaning to situations and when we stay in old beliefs. Sally explains, in a super simple way how our beliefs and the meaning we put on things can totally keep us stuck and suffering in life .
1. WE assign Meaning –
Humans are meaning making machines, it’s what we innately do. It’s also something we do that fucks a lot of stuff up. Once we assign meaning – we have changed a simple situation into something bigger than it is- AND often much worse than it actually is. We assign drama to something
That is because our individual meaning come from our own BELIEFS
2. Beliefs ARE NOT TRUTHS! – Shelly explains
The meaning we put on situations ALL comes from our own beliefs. Beliefs are simply something we (each) SAW in our early years ( most often from our caregivers) that was formed into a belief… something we sincerely hold to be true.
No parent is perfect and mine definitely showed me some weird stuff that I formed into some super LIMITING beliefs.
These 2 simple tips from Lefkoe –
1. DISSOLVE meaning you assign to situations
2. RELEASE old beliefs.
Posted on | Strong Moves
We are in a pandemic. Right now it is super important for you to stay the most fit and healthy you can. That means you must stay strong & feed yourself better, daily. It can be difficult to know how to do all that with limited resources (time, space, equipment, support)
That’s exactly why I created Stay Brighter. All you need is a yoga mat, a dish towel, simple ingredients and me!I create fun, challenging & smart programs for you to do weekly.
Once a week you get a new workout (complete with downloadable image guide to easily practice on your own as homework) . You also get 3-4 new recipes every week.
No more figuring what to eat or how to keep yourself challenged and moving forward. It’s all right here for you
After 2 weeks – you can choose to continue from 8 weeks to 4 months.
That’s it. Simple as 1,2,3
Feel free to reach out with concerns or questions. Text or email me: 206-310-9079
Posted on | Inspiring Guest Speakers
Okay, so I’m super excited (and kinda really honored) to be part of this event
The Issaquah Sports Medicine Combine Saturday, JULY 13th, 2019
I’ll be presenting my signature 3 step formula that keeps busy adults knowing exactly what to do to workout and what foods to eat every day to get stronger, see a leaner body and actually have more time to do the stuff they love PLUS cash in on all the other giveaways, foods, events and sweet happenings.. scroll down for events
CLICK HERE TO REGISTER The Issaquah Sports Medicine Combine Saturday, JULY 13th, 2019
I’m honored to be elected to speak at this event. Please mark your calendars for JULY 13th – this is an all day event
I speak at 11 AM!!
I can’t wait to see you there! CLICK HERE TO REGISTER
Posted on | Uncategorized
How does this feel to you: “Who would I be in the absence of all my concerns?”
Did your shoulders just relax and maybe did you take a deep breath? This is one simple perspective tool that “Mind Architect” Peter Crone uses with Pro Level Athletes and Biz Tycoons to keep them on top of their game.
Ok, so this hot Brit kinda blew my mind last week and has made everyday way easier…
I stumbled across Peter’s insights just last week (May 24th) as I was scrolling through one of my favorite podcasts
The Broken Brain by Dr. Mark Hyman, hosted by Dru Purohit.
I was hooked and have listened to this episode 3x now. This stuff is saving me so much time and energy!
Listen to this Podcast AND CHECK out PETER on the HEAL Documentary on Netflix. It’s all about taking a hard look at how we shape our realities with our daily perceptions, beliefs & thoughts – and how these things can totally wreck our bodies OR give us unlimited potential.
“The Mind Architect Peter Crone is a writer, speaker and thought leader in human potential who works with entertainers, professional athletes, and global organizations. Peter redesigns the subconscious mind that drives behavior to inspire a new way of living, from limitation and stress to freedom and joy.”
CLICK HERE for his podcast on THE BROKEN BRAIN from Dr. Mark Hyman
check out the NETFLIX Documentary, HEAL
It’s great being in this world together and I can’t wait to see just how much better we can do as better humans, together
Coach Bre:)
Posted on | Uncategorized
Hey there you Gireviks ( Kettlebellers) and Cardio Fans –
Add in this Yoga sequence to add core strength and longevity to your strength moves:)
You know you need yoga.. now you have no excuses, just follow the video and the homework board – 3times a week minimum on this baby will make you even more awesome (if that’s possible)
Posted on | Awesome Foods
Makes 6 servings of 1/2 cup each. Great with berries on top!
2. In a small pot on low melt the chocolate bars & coconut cream (bout 2 mins). Add to avos in blender
3. Add cacao powder, honey, vanilla and salt, blending until pureed, scraping down the sides when needed to combine.
Taste and season/sweetened additionally if desired. Blend for a good 1 to 2 minutes until completely creamy.
**Put in fridge for 24 hours before FOR best consistency . This is VERY filling stuff – about a 1/4 cup serving is great as a snack or dessert.
Posted on | Strong Moves
Do ONE great push up and you have just worked ALL your muscles. If you’re into seeing visible muscle on your arms, having a tighter butt, a strong back and leaner abs then do ONE great push up.
Why ONE push up? Because if you can hold your entire body tight and stay connected as you lower yourself down and up- you are doing awesome.
Here’s how to get the most results from your Push UP
Can’t quite nail all that – No sweat – all ya gotta do is bring the floor up to you! hence my yoga block. This is as far as I can hold rock hard form as I travel down and up.
SImply pick a raised surface – find a height you can get all the way down to AND all the way back up from after touching your nose.
Do ONE great push up Every Hour on the hour. ( do as many open hours as you can. For example, here’s mine for tomorrow:
5 AM, then I work for 3 hours straight , 8:05 AM, 9:05 AM, then no breaks till 2 PM. So 2:05 PM, 3:05 PM . You get the idea, do the best you can.
Start on this yourself and keep in touch with how it’s going! Either FB message me or email me:
And if you wanna know more about this One arm Push up deal – check out the Bodyweight Cert through Strongfirst – it’s pretty cool!
Posted on | Awesome Foods
Bulletproof coffee is A great breakfast option for busy humans who want to stay on track with busy days. No need to worry about eating breakfast + you stay full for 3-4 hours.
** Caveat! If you have high cholesterol, take out the ghee or butter below. All human bodies are different, If you are not worried about your cholesterol than proceed with directions below AND listen to your own body. If you do bulletproof coffee for a few days and you don’t like how you feel, don’t do it. It’s not right for you.
Scroll down for step by step video + products to buy. Remember you do not have to do this, listen to your own body. If you need more breakfast choices feel free to email me @
CLICK on any product name below for the Amazon product info/purchase link. (Quality is always paramount, don’t go cheap on what you put into your body)
FIRST you need is a Great Coffee or espresso maker. Here is the one I use from Nespresso Vertuo Line. Very good quality & just $148.99 You can do pour over or french press as well.
Below is what you need to make Bulletproof coffee
**MUST have OR use blender once espresso is poured on top of MCT and GHEE.
concerns/ questions? connect with me:
This is the ultimate game changer for high performing humans. Who came up with this? Bulletproof coffee is not a fad.
One rich dude from America simply picked up on what nomads in Tibet had been doing for centuries with Yak Butter Tea. Thank you Dave Asprey of Asprey used his wealth to spread the word and create knowledge and resource around bulletproof coffee. His discovery got him to stay out of the hospital + he lost over 100 lbs and skyrocketed his brain power. He is a gift to busy people who want to up their daily performance.
#1. Its the most simple and fast breakfast option that keeps you full for hours and keeps your body super healthy.
#2. Bulletproof is highly thermogenic (gets your body to burn body fat).
#3. It tastes delicious ( rich and creamy) + it keep your full for 3-5 hours. Hunger is the busy person’s nemesis
#4. It ramps up your mental focus and memory recall. If you need to have your brain firing on all cylinders, you need bulletproof!
#5- It’s chock full of nutritional benefits, SUCH AS:
1. Coffee Beans are chock full polyhenols, pantothenic acid, magnesium, potassium and more CLICK HERE for all that info + why coffee decreases a bunch of scary diseases.
2. MCT oil – This is simply the best stuff taken out of Coconut Oil. That creamy white stuff you cook with.. yeah it’s got something seriously powerful hidden inside there. MCT = Medium Chain Triglycerides. This stuff is chock full of antioxidants and Omega 3’s. great for improving memory, daily optimal brain health + It gets you to burn some serious calories.CLICK HERE for more great info!
3. GHEE/ Clarified Butter OR Organic grassfed Butter- Both are great for us because of the presence of CLA – Conjugated Linoleic Acid and Butyrate. CLICK here to learn why both very healthy and how to make the best decision for yourself
Ghee and Grassfed butter are high in Vitamins D, E, K and Antioxidants !!
If you’re really feeling sketched out by me recommending butter to you – I get that- CLICK here for an article with research from Dr. Mercola
I’ve been doing it for 6 years now every AM – and my blood pressure is amazing, I’m able to stay full for 4 hours in the AM – soo needed as a busy person. No need to figure out breakfast!
Just ABSOLUTELY – do not go cheap on this – reg coconut oil and butter will NOT do the job.. In fact it’ll give you the runs, bug your gut and possible make you gain weight – you will definitely suck wind through your workout.
Posted on | Podcasts
You can get more power at any moment by tapping into this one simple and free tool!
Your Breath! Listen to exactly how it can literally make you more powerful, stronger, leaner and even chill you out, so you can stop stressing and enjoy life.
[podcast src=”” height=”” width=””]
Posted on | Strong Moves
So, my version a a perfect Sunday is filling myself with awesome stuff. I’m talking stuff that lifts me up and makes me smile. In my world that’s good ‘ol iron, flowing moves and amazing foods.
Then, I take it easy! In fact I pretty much sit and watch movies the rest of my day. Ya gotta rest that greatness to make it all happen again tomorrow:)
Get the Goods!
Blend that goodness, then settle in for some sweet shows:
What I’m watching:
Posted on | Awesome Foods
Galen and I are back at it! Check out this month’s Cooking with Curran’s video
We’ve got simple set ups that gets you to drop inches, while your family asks for more! Can you imagine? We can:) Check out this awesome set up, from our house to yours with love
Recipes Below Read More
Posted on | Awesome Foods
So my good friend is visiting from San Francisco this week AND I’ve got a couple big family get togethers coming up.
While this is all fantastic stuff.. I also want to stay looking and feeling fantastic.
Which means I should take it easy on the alcohol…
Now, this can be hard when you want to meet up at some comfy spot and catch up with your long lost bud, or you seriously need a little something to take the edge off around your relatives. That’s exactly why I have a great 3 step plan to enjoy these social times, without the set backs
Even if you are meeting for dinner, if you are at all hungry, enjoy a snack or smoothie before you leave for your rendezous. I love a green smoothie or a small nut mix. – My “Pre-Funk” Recipes are below:)
This way you will drink slower AND you will absorb you amazing nutrients from your foods better.
SO GET THIS: Even if you pick the most stunningly healthy dish off the menu, once that alcohol passes your lips.. you will absorb very little of those amazing nutrients. The body has 100% attention on any alcohol in your body and dramatically slows digestion and absorption of any foods that come into your belly.
So fix it! Eat 30 mins-1 hour before you drink (use recipes below) then enjoy drinks without food. OR have the drink on it’s own, wait bout 30 mins, then eat.
Make those glasses at least 10 oz each. This will slow you down and fill you up, so you will drink slower and less alcohol
When you get your body moving, you speed up your metabolism and get that alcohol moving through your body so you don’t feel it, or see it so much the next day
I hope this helps you enjoy your get- togethers more and still love what you see!
READ below for Great EATS BEFORE DRINKS Recipes
Posted on | Podcasts
Check out my First Podcast Guest!
I couldn’t have chosen a better person to start with.
This woman is the real deal.. An inspiring teacher and leader that has bravely walked through big challenges to become the amazing person she is inside and out.
Prepare to be filled with chills of inspiration from her story of how she went from an out of shape corporate executive to shedding not only the weight, but her marriage and her job to become her best self. Including these accomplishments:
Raising a teenage daughter
Owner of 2 yoga studios (Hauteyoga Queen Anne and Shefayoga in Seattle, WA)
Creating and Owning her signature leadership program, Sendatsu Evolution
Being featured in Harvard Business Journal. “ From Accountant to Yogi”
Click Here to Read
Lululemon Ambassador
I can’t wait for you to hear her strong words of living life as a yogi and not only being the change she wants to be in the world, but stepping up her game and leading others to their greater selves. Leah is one of the true agents of change in the world.[podcast src=”” height=”” width=””]
Also check this out on iTunes! CLICK HERE
Posted on | Podcasts
So, years ago.. in my 20’s I would hit the gym 6 days a week.. spending countless hours in spin classes, doing body pump and slaving away on the elliptical machine. I totally thought I was doing the right stuff to lean out.. even as a trainer!
After too many mornings of frowning at my stubborn belly pooch in the mirror I finally figured it out.
It took some years of school and hiring some elite coaches.. but I finally dumped the belly fat and saw definition.. finally! With less time in the gym.
Listen HERE to find out how you can lean out and have more free time (for way more fun stuff)
[podcast src=”” height=”” width=””]
Posted on | Podcasts
[podcast src=”” height=”” width=””]
Do you want to change your body? What about your overall energy and health?
I’m guessing you know what you SHOULD be doing.. so why aren’t you doing it?
It’s not the lack of time, money, busy workdays or family demands that’s getting in your way. It’s time to get real and own up to what’s been holding you back.
Press play and find out the #1 and only thing that will ABSOFREAKIN’LUTELY get you to do what you SHOULD do to see everything you want to see!
Backed by science, tested by Life!! Enjoy
Posted on | Awesome Foods
Chocolate is actually great for your health.. IF it’s big on quality and low on quantity.
Just like some friends, you can find yourself hanging out with the wrong kind. Before you know it you’re feel drained and wanna go take a nap.
Cool thing is, just like awesome friends, you can feel inspired, strong and happy.
It all depends on the quality you pick to hang out with. Read More
Posted on | Podcasts
Breanne gives you a quick preview of what’s to come in each episode.
Find out why she knows the fitness and nutrition tips that will get you the body you want, while you keep up with a full, everyday life!
Also hear about exciting special guests to come. Know why Breanne and her guests will keep you lean, strong and inspired with a refreshing take on fit living in real life![podcast src=”” height=”” width=””]
Posted on | Uncategorized
Recipe from Heidi Swanson. 101 Cookbooks pp. 60-61
** fun fact! Wild Rice is not a rice, it’s a grass (freshwater shallow bodies of water) and considered a vegetable! It’s also higher in protein, fiber and antioxidants than other rices. CLICK HERE for more nutrition info
I highly advise serving this with at least 20 more grams of protein at a meal. Easy addition = 3 eggs cooked over sauteed spinach as a side to this dish. Or a small salad with your choice of protein.
Posted on | Awesome Foods
from Urban Vegan , Denise Balcavage Cookbook
Posted on | Awesome Foods
Posted on | Video Lessons
This is taking one health skill and making it super freakin’ doable:) Watch the intro video below and follow along with me on my YouTube Channel @BurnBrighterCoaching There’s a new step every 2 weeks. I’m doing it each one with you.
Posted on | Stress Less
Let’s make this easy. Use my 2 resources (below) to keep up with busy days AND feel awesome!
I engineered these 2 videos to work anywhere you go. Guest room/ hotel room & airport terminal. Watch the video, then scroll down to grab this now!
Fiber packed foods keep you full longer so you can get more done AND have less snack cravings. Perfect for holiday season!
High fiber foods also lower cholesterol, boost your energy (thanks to better poops) & reduce your risk of strokes & heart attacks (thanks to removing harmful arterial plaques)
Check out my oatmeal and smoothie videos below:
Click HERE for my List of high fiber foods and detailed guide
Posted on | Awesome Foods
Feel better without depriving yourself. Simply increase your fiber intake daily! You will have more energy, poop better, lower cholesterol & lower your risk of heart attacks, strokes and dementia (caused by arterial plaques)
Oatmeal is one easy way I boost my fiber intake. I love this set up after a workout (or mid morning on a busy workday) to replenish muscle glycogen and to keep me full longer so I can get more done:)
Scroll down to see my high fiber smoothie video as well
Check out my “November Recipes” for six delicious high fiber dishes.
Posted on | Awesome Foods
From The Kitchen Girl
Posted on | Uncategorized
Peel yams and cut into equal size pieces. Steam or boil for 15 to 20 minutes, or until soft and fully cooked. Drain and let rest a minute or so to evaporate excess moisture.
Place yams, cheese and butter in mixer. Mix with a whip on low speed until smooth and fluffy. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Add rosemary sprig for festive garnish