Okay, so this came to me as I was on a road trip last weekend. I did this 1 thing and I realized just how awesome it made me feel.
I’ve been tapping into this skill for years – BUT this is the most I’ve ever used it and even in the past 3 days of taking this on full throttle, I’m already feeling stronger and seeing my body lean out.
Here’s my trick:
Let go of something that scares you.
Here’s why this works.. When you let go of something that is holding you back, You are getting rid of your excuses. WHEN you dump the excuses you MUST show up and DO better
Letting Go is the New Power Move. Stop adding stuff in.
Stick with me here for a few mins, you can do that:) I promise this will be well worth your time.
Right now think of something that you do daily – that totally brings you comfort, but you KNOW in your gut that this thing is not helping you get more defined in your body OR your life.
This could be
- The chocolate you reach for every night
- Watching just 20 more mins of TV.. going to bed later
- Checking social media waaay too much
- Doing hours of cardio (yup- that’s a super great way of wasting time and wearing out your body)
- Having those extra drinks in the week
and here’s a doozy..
- staying in that relationship (friendship, workship, dating or marriage)
These are little things that fall into our days and weeks and TOTALLY hold us back.
See, it’s not that you need to lift more, run further or try a new diet…YOU need to let that one thing go, so you can do all the other stuff better.
AND trust me on this.. your results on every level will skyrocket. You will sleep better, run faster, lift heavier, jump higher and smile more:)
This one thing could be so little, but truth be told it makes you super anxious and is REALLY hard to let go of.
Here are some of my things that have made me suuuper uncomfortable to take out of my life ( I literally threw tantrums and got bummed big time when I had to give them up)
- Running– tore a hamstring and had to NOT run for 2 years. Thought I was gonna go crazy and get fat.
Actually got more sane, calm and dropped 8% Body Fat
- Having a treat after dinner- Been a habit ever since I was 3. Taking that away felt sooo wrong and made me very anxious.
Dropped 7 lbs in 1 month.
- Ridding my diet of all Grain and Bread products– Man I was a crabby mess for a week.
I have more energy, no muffin top and stay full way longer
- Old comfy clothes– my blue sweatshirt from school and torn up jeans.. they held memories.. scratch that EXCUSES that left me elbow deep in the ice cream.
No ice cream binging here:)
- Not checking my emails before bed or within 1 hour of waking up– This did make me very nervous and anxious for awhile.
I stayed focused in my workouts and slept better – So yes it did lean me out and up my muscle
- Giving up my nephew and dog– This was heart wrenching to do.. but was ultimately what was best for all of us.
Freed me up the time, energy and drive to get stronger, smarter, serve my community more and put new great people in my life intentionally
So, I won’t just drop that bombshell on you and walk away- because..
pretty sure this story may very well help you with some of your own stuff:)
The dog and kid were not my own.. other people brought them into my life and I gotta say I did a bang up job of keeping them happy, safe and healthy for the years I had them.
But I did have to make the decision to let them both go.. and that was ‘EFFING HARD! Some may view this as selfish, and I’ve battled with that judgement myself BUT
I stick to this one rule on ANY decision I make – especially on actions that impact other souls
Is This For The Greater Good?
In terms of my nephew and my boston terrier.. YES! Their greater good was to be with their true parent, feel that love and navigate that relationship.
Honestly, since I was TASKED to provide for them, they always felt like an obligation under my roof. One more thing I had to show up for/take care of in my day. Sad, but true.
Now I will say – both my Nephew and dog totally transformed me for the better
They made me get over myself. They kicked my ego to the curb and made me play, laugh, cry, FEEL more and most of all enjoy life more. My nephew’s needs,fears and anxieties directly drove me into studying nutrition to become the expert I am today.
Because of these 2 awesome dudes in my life I am happier, healthier, more confident and enjoy life a lot more than I used to.
But to live ALL our own best lives we HAD to let go for the greater good.
Once my sister was able to stay mentally healthy and my ex could give his time and energy to his dog- I had to release them. Ripley and Noah get way more time and attention from the people who desperately WANT them in their lives. Rather than just making life work with them in it (what I was doing)
And I can say it has made us all happier, stronger and at least for me – leaner:)
Why did I share this with you – Because Letting Go and Living your truth.. at the risk of being judged is HARD!
SOO – DO THIS to get stronger, leaner and happier
1. LOOK at what you NEED to let go of.
2. Then look at what really scares you, unnerves you.
Fill in these blanks
Wouldn’t it be nice to not have _________________ in my life.
I could __________________________ AND that thing/person would totally be better off with someone else.
Hand off that loaf of bread, chocolate bar, bag of chips, elliptical machine, soul sucking job, lackluster partner, gossipy friend, baggy jeans and outstretched T shirts to someone else.. be this the homeless person you pass daily, your neighbor’s college kid or some other person that will actually really WANT that thing and not be held back by it.
When you let it go… you will HAVE to DO BETTER every damn day.
Doesn’t this make it easier? It works for me.
Now I just make sure I keep up those skills I learned from my dog and nephew:
- I SHOW UP fully for each person in my life
- I SEE them
- I try and UNDERSTAND where they’re at
and if needed
- I help them UPGRADE their daily life.
That’s what these 2 dudes taught me. NOW I have the time and resources to use my powers for good:)
No more excuses for me – It’s mother ‘effing GO TIME.
When I’m not shoving around heavy weights, doing yoga or cooking..I’m upping my skills as a coach in Nutrition and Kettlebell.
LOTS of practice and research happening here:)
I bring these skills to you through workshops and coaching that tells you exactly what to do in a super doable and fun way.
They start this week! CLICK HERE FOR ATHLETA Cleanse Workshops
WED march 28, April 4 and 11th, 7-8 PM
With these tools you can keep up with your life and KNOW exactly what to do to feel kickass and enjoy life more.. after all isn’t that what it’s all about
This means everything to me because when YOU can DO better daily, you will use your powers for good!
Oh and don’t worry- I’m making sure i have a helluva lot of fun
I may not be playing with legos or throwing a frisbee as much, but I’m having the time of my life with awesome friends, communities that fire me up and and singing whenever I can at the top of my lungs .
Burning Brighter ever damn day