This is taking one health skill and making it super freakin’ doable:) Watch the intro video below and follow along with me on my YouTube Channel @BurnBrighterCoaching There’s a new step every 2 weeks. I’m doing it each one with you.
Video Lessons
Turtle Steps!
Quick, healthy & delicious dinners for busy days.
5 short videos + 5 step by step downloadable guides.
CLICK HERE to purchase this Video Guide for $28.96
Four Videos + One Bonus Take Action Video
#1 Schedule It Know exactly what you get to eat each night in your upcoming week. Plus when to make your grocery list, when to shop and when to cook so you can simply grab and go every day.
#2 Main Meal How to cook one recipe so it lasts 3 different nights. Learn how to keep it fresh and exciting with specific side dishes that are super quick and delicious.
#3 Store Bought Friends Do what you do best and pay someone else to do the rest:) This video shows you exactly what to buy at the store to take 80% of your meal prep work away on busy weeks.
#4 Little Buddies Easy add ons that make every meal more delicious and filling.
BONUS! Recap Video Quick review of your complete plan + what to do to take action now!
5 Step by Step Guides. Downloadable PDF’s
- One with each video. Complete with product buy links
- 3 recipes + examples of what sides to pair with the main dish
CLICK HERE to get this video package. Available Immediately
ALL recipes, foods & products are anti-inflammatory. That means there is NO
- Cow Dairy
- Gluten
- Grains
- Sugar (honey is the only sweetener)
- Legumes
You’ll be amazed at how many delicious options you have without these things that hold you back!
This Video Package is yours for life. You can access it at anytime for years to come.
6 Week Sleep Fitness Challenge!
We are starting on Jan 4th 2023 and Ending on Feb 14th (I misspoke in the video, we are doing six weeks, not eight)
Each week you work on one simple challenge. The challenges do stack ( week 3 = you do every day the challenges from week 1, 2 and 3 . This is not difficult, it just takes consistency.
Scroll to the bottom of this page for THIS week’s challenge (Jan
Let me know how you’re doing + any questions on my BURN BRIGHTER SUPPORT Facebook page CLICK HERE . Enough said.. Let’s Go!
WEEK ONE. Water! 4 liters by 4 PM. Jan 4-11th
CLICK HERE for guide with buy links to water bottles
Week Two Challenge. Jan 11th-17th. Screentime
Challenge: Put your cell phone away at 20 minutes before bed every night.
If putting your phone away from your bed and in airplane mode 8 minutes before you go to sleep is a challenge, start there!
Just start increasing the time your phone is away from you before you go to sleep. Ideally you should be away form ALL electronic screens at least 20 minutes before bed and Wifi should be turned off or set to airplane mode.
For now, simply work on consistency and slowly build up your time.
Why your phone is harming your sleep and your body:
Your phone transmits EMF signals which greatly disrupt your sleep and healthy cellular functions.
There is scientific proof showing that EMF signals from our electronic devices (laptops, TV’s. ipads, phones) disrupt melatonin in our bodies. We need melatonin to sleep.
** Taking melatonin supplements is NOT advised. Melatonin is a hormone. When you artifically increase levels in your body with supplements, this will create an imbalance. Your body will start to produce less melatonin. Artificial increases in hormones will create unhealthy imbalances in your cellular functions.
CLICK HERE for the study on EMF signals and melatonin.
CLICK HERE for study on power lines and extra secretion of melatonin
& From UC Berkeley on EMF signals and the human body CLICK HERE
SWANWICK Blue light blocking glasses. CLICK HERE
Week 3 Challenge. Jan 18th-25th Healthy night time snacks
CLICK HERE for your detailed guide complete with product buy links and recipes. Buy these things in the next 24 hours. Enjoy the tea tomorrow and make those Chocolate balls within the next 3 days #wegotthis
Week Four! Jan 25-Feb 1. Three quick steps that Stop Nighttime Snacking
Step 1. STOP
Right when you notice the craving, stop everything. Try hard no to DO anything for at least 30 seconds. Just say to yourself “there it is” Know that you are a busy person that is used to doing and your mind is simply looking to do more and bring in more energy so you can keep doing.
Step 2. BREATH
Breath in and out through your nose. Try this pattern: Inhale 4 count Hold 7 count Exhale 8 count. Do up to 5 cycles. OR simply inhale fully through your nose and exhale fully through your nose. This will get you out of your head into your body, it will interrupt the pattern you have of getting a snack. It will also remind you that you do not need to be DOING anymore in your day
Step 3. SET A GOAL That is TOTALLY Doable.
Decide how many nights a week you can totally nail this. You are starting something new and you are going to need to do it for at least 65 days if you want this better habit to stick. I chose 4 nights a week. Once I nail that I can increase to 5 . I will allow myself to snack in the evenings 2 nights a week #bereal
Week Five! Feb 1-8th. Game changer step to Snack without Setbacks
This week we are honing our skills with snacking. Everyone gets snack cravings and often they are when we don’t really need to eat more OR are trying to undo old habits of snacking for better health.
This week simply move your snack to a smarter time! Eat when your body will burn it off and you won’t feel or look bloated later
- Indulge in the BEST Quality and single serving
- High Quality Dark Chocolate (mine is Alter Eco CLICK HERE this is 100% cacao. You can also get 90 or 80% cacao) + 8-10 macadamia nuts unsalted + 1/4 cup coconut flakes, unsweetened)
- My custom Cacao Balls CLICK HERE
- Cinnamon Raisin Toast CLICK HERE + unsweetened nut butter of choice
- OR pick your fave treat! Could be ice cream or a milk shake- just make it the BEST Quality you can find and one serving.
- Eat your treat 5-7 hours before bed – Enjoy it before dinner AND make sure you are moving after you eat it. Could be a workout, could be a walk around the block or some Bodyweight squats while you take phone calls:)
Week Six! The best workout to do when you’ve slept poorly
Watch this video for a full workout that is perfect for those days that you’ve slept less than seven hours.
CLICK HERE for more info on WHY working out when you’ve slept less than seven hours will only make your body HOLD onto body fat and lower your immune health.
Sleep Fitness Pack
Here’s that FREE VIDEO PACKAGE! Four short videos with detailed steps that you can immediately put into action! CLICK here for that FREE Sleep Fit Video Package
If you need more convincing.. Check out all the benefits you will get with better sleep:
- Weight Loss
- Gain Muscle
- Think better
- Greatly lower your risk of strokes & heart attacks
- Decrease risk of Diabetes, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s & Dementia
- Reduce muscle and joint aches
- Lower Stress and Anxiety
- Better skin
- Better eyesight
- Lower Depression
- Increase Libido
- Feel more calm
- Feel full easier (less post meal cravings)
- Get and Feel stronger
- Have more energy
- Boost work productivity
- Boost Fertility
- Better Digestion
Busy days foods! Keep up with all your demands, feel fit and energized.
Life is busy! You need an easy way to keep up with your day without resorting to shoddy foods that hold you back.
I’ve got healthy foods that taste good and work amazingly well on super busy days! You totally deserve
They need to be quick to grab, taste delicious and they can’t slow you down. That’s exactly what you get right here! CLICK below to get started
This Video Lesson is complete with 2 videos & 5 (downloadable) take action guides.
**PLUS 2 bonus videos that every busy person needs
- How to make your best smoothie
- How to make Bulletproof coffee.
This lesson easily sets you up no matter where you are or how hectic your day is.
You’ll also totally stay on track on home work days when you typically forget to eat or drink water:)
CLICK HERE to get this Complete Lesson for $14.96
Below is EXACTLY what you get in this lesson:
First video is for when can prep your foods for 30 minutes a week. That’s twice a week, 15 minutes each time
Second video is for when you have no time to prep AND may not have access to a kitchen or fridge.
YES! There are lots of vegetarian & vegan options
90 Second Rule. THE #1 tool to instantly regulate yourself
CLICK here for my Facebook Group Support Page
First off, huge props to Neuro-anatomist Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor and Psychologist Dr. Joan Rosenberg for discovering this 90 second rule (Please scroll to the bottom of this post for science backed links from both women)
In 90 seconds you can burn body fat, gain muscle, think better and become more productive in your day. Oh yeah and you’ll also be in a better mood:)
All you have to do is STOP and do nothing for 90 seconds
Do not interact with anything (no phone, computer, live people) Don’t pick up anything. Just breathe through your nose and let yourself BE for 90 seconds.
That’s it. That’s all it takes to stop a whole cascade of harmful hormones and reactions that work against your body.
Here’s why this works:
When we start thinking of a lot of things our bodies producing stress hormones. We increase adrenaline, cortisol, norepinephrine, ghrelin… and our systems go haywire.
The 90 second rule works because you’re allowing your body to catch up with your brain. Remember this: Your brain moves faster than your body. Waay faster! ( It’s why you engage in a difficult work task and feel exhausted much later)
When we KEEP doing all the things to keep up with our thoughts we throw our bodies into imbalance.
We can stop this imbalance, step out of stress mode and step into healthy mode. All we have to do is stop.
Let’s try it right now:
Think for a moment of all the things on your to do list today.
- Now add on checking email, Facebook, Instagram etcc.
- Now think of watching or reading the news.
- Now what are those things you’ve been telling yourself you should be doing to reach your goals.
Stop. Do you feel that?
Does your body feel tight. How’s your heart rate & breathe. Is your gut clenched? To me this feels like nervous whirring energy. I call it “whirlwindy” You may call it overwhelm, anxiousness etc.. Whatever it is for you it’s working against you. When you keep feeling those difficult feelings your body gets messed up.
We’ve simply forgotten to stop and let our bodies catch up with our brains!
When you keep thinking and doing. Your body holds onto fat. Your brain gets foggy and has difficulty learning or remembering. Your heart races and breathing stops or you start mouth breathing. You may get gassy or constipated. You may also get defensive towards yourself and others.
Your stress hormones are working in high gear
- Adrenaline taxes all your systems thinking you have a war to fight (literally)If you are in high stress mode for longer than a few mins then you will switch to survival mode
- Cortisol is prolonged adrenalin. It makes you hold onto body fat. You will start craving anything to give you quick energy or calm down (hello carbs, alcohol, cigarettes, chocolate, social media etc.. )
- Ghrelin increases dramatically. This is your hunger hormone. It also keeps you from feeling full. This is why you will keep consuming anything comforting.
We are beings in a very busy thinking & doing world. This really messes up our bodies.
So what do you do? Exactly this:
DO nothing for 90 seconds. Do this 2-4 times daily.
I will admit this is challenging. Not because it’s difficult, because it’s different!
Tell yourself: “This is not difficult, this is just different”(that helps me stay in the 90 seconds)
This video will simply tell you that I succeeded or failed at the 90 second rule that day and what I noticed. I’d love for you to add your own experiences or comments.
This is a game changer. Let’s do this!
CLICK HERE for scientific explanation and practice from Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor in Psychology Today
CLICK HERE for short TED talk from Dr. Joan Rosenberg.
Here’s a more in depth podcast episode I came across this on Dr. Mark Hyman’s Broken Brain Podcast
I can’t wait for you to get these benefits and share this info with others.
Love, Bre
Video Lessons
How would it feel today if you could easily eat healthy foods today that you actually really liked?
How about if you easily got in some exercise, that was fun and took very little time? If you’re saying “Hell, Yes!” then watch my video above.
Feel stronger and have easier days right now! Take Action with my lessons below
START with #1. Sleep! Watch the Video then grab your Free Video Package at the link below.
SLEEP Fitness Pack CLICK HERE FREE for you!
No matter what fitness or nutrition goal you have, you’ve got to nail your sleep habits. Check out these 4 videos that hand you steps and products to get you stellar sleep.
Once you’ve started working on these.. then you can add on the workouts and great foods!
FREEBIE Workout Moves Package . No strings attached:)
Two free workout videos that you can do anytime anywhere. No gear required. CLICK HERE to get your goods!
Busy Day Foods.
Your complete foolproof plan to eat healthy foods (that taste great!) no matter where you go or how crazy life gets CLICK HERE for details
Quickest Dinner on Busy Days (Also delicious and healthy!)
– You know those days where you get home late and overwhelmed from the day. Or maybe you’re just hangry and are about to mow down in a bag of chips for dinner?
- This set up works really well for THOSE days. I show you how to get a delicious and super healthy meal on the table, ready to eat within 5 minutes of taking off your coat (or closing your laptop)
- Complete with 3 recipes and store shopping list
CLICK HERE for details
What I’m cooking up for you right now!
Watch This Video to see what I’m making for you today!
Then CLICK here for tools you can grab onto right now:)
My 2 following videos CLICK HERE will walk you through what you can expect in November AND I am handing you a bunch of video tools right now!
Just Click, Watch & Follow my simple steps:)
Love, Bre
Your full body boost!
This is your June Newsletter. I’m focusing it all on Nitric Oxide! This will help you fight off seasonal allergies, reach your training goals & stay focused in your work day.
Nitric Oxide is a game changer, many people don’t know much about! You can easily boost production of NO immediately. CLICK HERE to see how you can test your Nitric Oxide Levels and the steps you can take to increase NO in your body and reduce a whole truckload of health issues.
Pre Workout Boost CLICK Here for Video + Guide
2. Click Here for my fav delicious High Nitric Oxide Snack! Cacao Balls recipe. Perfect as a workday snack or Pre Workout (when really hungry)

3. More Info on Nitric Oxide Every Human should know + What you can do right now to boost production.
Nitric Oxide
Nitric Oxide is literally THE miracle molecule in your body. It dilates and widens your blood vessels. This means you have better blood flow throughout your body. THAT means you reduce your risk of heart attacks, strokes, diabetes, memory loss & low libido. All are related to reduced blood flow in your arteries. CHECK THIS OUT – salt, sugar & mouth breathing (And mouthwash) decreases your Nitric Oxide levels.
Watch my video below and take action! I made 4 short videos that hand you Nitric Oxide increasing foods, workout moves & breath practices. Check it out at the link below.
I made a video course with 4 video lessons showing you exactly what I learned and did CLICK HERE
Here’s why you want to keep NO (Nitric Oxide) levels high in your body. Low levels of NO leads to high blood pressure, heart attacks, low libido, lack of cardio endurance, muscle soreness, anxiety, brain fog, depression and diabetes. It also helps you learn better and reduces the severity and duration of Covid 19!

No one knew about it till 1990 when Dr. Louis Ignarro discovered it and won the Nobel prize. Oh yeah, it also is why Viagra exists and it’s been saves newborns that cannot breath on their own.
CLICK HERE to check out my Nitric Oxide Video Course
If you would like to dig into this more yourself, here’s an amazing podcast from Oct of 2020 on the Broken Brain Podcast with Dr. Ignarro (He discovered Nitric Oxide in 1989)
Episode Web page CLICK HERE for details
Click here for info on Dr. Ignarro who discovered Nitric Oxide in the Human Body
The Video (YouTube version is below