With Covid 19 surrounding us we are truly in crisis mode. Our work spaces have changed, home life’s are more chaotic & we are steeped in uncertainty.
That can really wreck us as humans. It is in our DNA to feel in control, when we don’t, things go downhill fast. We sleep poorly, eat crappy foods & move less. This is a natural response to feeling like you have less control. You are normal! You also can fix yourself, instantly.
All you have to do is see that you have 4 tools daily, that you can control. Then use them… take action with each. First the science, then the tools with clear action steps.
- SCIENCE Glenn Croston PhD How far we’ll go to feel in control “A persistent lack of control in a person’s life often leads to depression and anxiety. That makes us feel helpless. Gaining more control of our surroundings, on the other hand, makes us more content and less at risk. Joseph Hallinan of Pshychology Today “Researchers have documented just how essential a sense of control is for mind and body alike. People who feel in control of their lives are in better health, have faster recovery from illnesses than other people do. They also live longer”
“It’s not the lack of resources, it’s your lack of resourcefulness” Tony Robbins
- TOOLS These 4 tools are the things you can control every day to stay healthy, sane & strong.
- Feed yourself better Click here for an immune boosting comfort food recipe & guide
- Move more daily Click Here for a free weekly class + support options.
- What you listen to Click Here for inspiration that will get you to step up your game, no matter what you are struggling with
- Get good sleep Cool thing is if you do the first 3, you will sleep like a champ. If this is just not working for you Click here for some tips on how to undo shoddy sleep
Now that you have all these resources, let’s put them into action. Click on each one. Watch, listen, show up with me and keep taking action.
- My Facebook Group “Beat Covid/Stay Brighter” Click Here . I’m posting weekly hangouts via Zoom and tips that help us stay calm & healthy!
- My spotify playlist – Just search for “Breanne Curran” and find Covid-19. I filled it with tunes that are soothing, hopefull and happy without being cheesy or too peppy:)