I’m all about sharing awesome resources that keep us busy people on top of our game.
That’s why I had to get this to you right away!
I was just on a long walk with Ripley, my dog and I was instantly enthralled with this woman’s words and wisdom.
See, I love listening to podcasts. What a great way to get cool info while not slowing down our days- right?!
I often plug into the great Tony Robbins. He never fails to inspire me.
Well today his guest hit it out of the park! That’s the great Siri Lindley. Siri is a gold medal olympic triathlete who rose to the top the long and super hard way.
She failed big time. I mean she totally sucked at all things tri (swim, cycle and run)
She didn’t have the physical abilities but she stuck to her dreams with relentless brave actions every damn day.
Her story of how she kept going and rose to the top will fill you with that crazy chill you get when something totally speaks to you and hits your heart. I gotta admit, for some reason it’s super helpful to hear that being filled with fear and doubt happens to the best of us.
CLICK HERE to hear Siri’s 4 tips on how to dump fear and take on the impossible.
- Be Brave
- Be Relentless
- Be Resilient
- Embrace the Process
Let me know what you thought of the episode. I’m so excited for you to get your ears on this.
Oh! and stay tuned. In a few days I’ll post how you can get your hands on more cool stuff (literally)