Happy Spring time!
Longer days mean more time to get stuff done, right?!
Well, kinda. Turns out we are human and when we do too much we start going backwards. One thing that can keep you moving forward is a rock solid “Recovery Plan” This is something I create with my students every 2-6 weeks.
This works for ANY goal. From a work project on your computer to reaching your weight loss or workout goals.
To keep this simple and fun, I made you two videos with step by step directions. Just Click below to create your plan and move forward faster!
Put it all together! This Video hands you 5 steps to know exactly when to do your recovery.
New Recipes for April. Great for Easter Sunday AND a quick reheat for a tasty dinner!
This is great to pair with any brunch foods. It’s also fantastic a a quick reheat to pair with a dinner main dish
Easter Egg Muffins