Welcome to May of 2021!
Our world is slowly pulling out of pandemic mode. Being out and about and interacting with other humans can feel so good, but also a bit overstimulating, kinda like you’re suddenly in Hi-Def!
I have two tools to help calm your nerves + help your body move better. My Healthy Hot Cocoa + Flexible Feet Tools.
Both are huge game changers to help you move more, sleep better (which is the #1 tool to drop body fat) + feel more calm daily.
Scroll down for each how to video with step by step guides. I know these will help you feel stronger and have easier days.
- Healthy Hot Cocoa Video+ this link with full recipe
2. Watch the video below to keep your feet feeling awesome (2 quick tools + 2 top brands of flip flops) + Link to page with product details https://burnbrightercoaching.com/flip-flop-feet-video/