Summer weekends, they’re rad right? Full of hangin’ out with our fav people + maybe some short trips out of town. I love this stuff!
In fact Noah and I just took a road trip last weekend. Here’s us at a rest stop
What I don’t love is coming home Sunday eve and dreading Monday. Ugggghh.. seeing all I have to do for the rest of the week makes me wanna throw a tiny fit like a tired 5 year old.
But that never helps, right!?
That’s why I came up with this ONE SUPER SIMPLE trick that takes just one hour and totally takes away all my stress and dread for the busy days to come.
All ya gotta do is NOT melt to your floor, sofa or bed. Grab your keys, your wallet and get going with these THREE STEPS. In one hour you’ll be so F’ing happy!
STEP 1. Go to your nearest Healthy Grocery Store and buy this:
Grocery List
- Fresh Pre-Packed greens ORGANIC GIRL is great – 4 bags or plastic boxes ( bout 30-40 ounces)
- 2 red bell peppers (or broccoli, green peas, red cabbage)
- Annies Salad Dressing. I love the “Woodstock” one – a healthy thousand island w/tahini!
- 1 red onion
- 1 package sliced Diestel Turkey
- 2 cans water packed tuna – Wild Planet is best
- 3 stalks celery
- 1 carton eggs
- 2-4 high quality sausages – any meat, so long it’s grassfed, free range
- organic mayonnaise if you don’t have any at home
- Primal Island Granola OR Purely Elizabeth Granola
- Goat milk yogurt – plain. Redwood Hill is great!
- Acorn Squash ** optional (bake acorn squash as a dinner side, if you like)
Step 2. Go Home and Do This
Cook the below 5 recipes (takes 15 mins) – 45 mins if you want the baked acorn squash
All recipes will set 1 person up for 3 days.
Cooked Greens Recipe.
- peel and thinly slice 1/2 red onion. Put a large pan on your stovetop with 2 tbsp EVOO.
- add onion slices and let cook for 2-3 mins on low-med heat.
- Add loose, cleaned greens and toss for 2-3 mins.
- Add 2 tsp mustard powder
Remove and put in tupperware container OR enjoy some now:)
Cooked Sausage – Your fav meat. GRASS FED 2-4 sausages.
- Fill a large pot with water and bring to a boil
- Once boiling toss in sausages
- Let cook for bout 6 mins.
- Remove – either pick out with fork – or use a colander to drain
- Slice in half
- In a large pan, put 3 tbsp EVOO.
- Put sausages in pan and cook another 2 mins/ side
- Remove, store in container in fridge till you want them. Last up to 4 days:)
- Fry and egg! Heat up small pan with 1 tbsp EVOO on med heat. cook one whole egg on med heat. turn after white is solid white around yolk, bout 2 mins.
** cook this right before you eat. Perfect on top of greens w/ half a sausage
Baked Acorn Squash w/ Molasses
- Preheat oven to 425 F
- Cut 1 squash in 1/2. Place in large pyrex dish – face down, so fleshy side down
- Add 1/4′ of water. Let cook for 35 mins
- with 10 mins remaining – flip squash over and drizzle 1 tsp molasses in each 1/2
- return to oven and cook another 10 mins
Remove and enjoy/ And or store in fridge to enjoy later.
Make Tuna Salad:
- Open and drain 3 cans tuna.
- Put in a large bowl with 2 tbsp mayo and 1/3 cup plain yogurt.
- Slice 3 stalks celery and add to bowl
- Mix well and store
Green Salad
Put rest of greens in a large bowl-
Add one brightly colored veg (red bell pepper, green peas, broccoli, red cabbage etc..)
pair 1/2 cup Tuna salad above OR 3 slices Diestel Turkey (below)
Add a great Dressing! I love Annies
STEP 3. Pack It Up!
Take out 3 medium tupperware containers (per day) fill with this:
First container = 1.5 cup salad greens + 1/2 cup tuna mix
** add walnuts, sunflower seeds and Annies dressing – bout 1 tbsp for extra deliciousness.
Second container= fill with 1 cup yogurt or non dairy milk
Pre pack snack ziplock bags (2/day) with this:
- Gluten Free Granola in one bag per day
- Sliced Deli Meat in one bag/ day – bout 2 slices Diestel
Roll easy through your week with this..Pack 3 lunch bags with exactly this:
- 1 container yogurt
- 1 bag cereal
- 1 container tuna and greens
- Salad Greens with Annies dressing + 2-3 slices Diestel turkey
- 1 plastic fork & 1 plastic spoon
So that will get you through your busy days with great foods to grab!
need some snacks to get you through?
Toss in a perfect bar AND a packet of nut butter.
Have HALF of either one when very hungry. Enjoy the 0ther 1/2 when hungry again:)
- Now dinner= EASY. Will take 2, MAYBE 3 mins
- Reheat the greens
- Add a sausage or deli meat
- Add an egg on top
- maybe some avocado
Add 1/2 that baked acorn squash if you need more. Great with grassfed buffalo milk butter and cinnamon, or Ghee and cinnamon:)
BAM – there’s dinner
This all will save you tons of time and money and for sure keep your energy up, so you can be more awesome at all you do!
Hope you love this Set UP, It’s kept me from set backs after trips for years!!