I gotta be honest, I spent years wasting my time .. I spent hours in the gym and ate low fat, low calorie foods. This only made me tired and frustrated with barely any visible changes in my body.
I was forcing myself to do stuff I thought I HAD TO DO, to get the body I want. All I did was waste my time and scowl a lot.
I also was forcing myself to hang with people that were into the stuff I hated doing, but thought they knew better than me.
So glad to say I dumped all that stuff that was bumming me out and getting me nowhere. here’s what I got rid of.
- Hours in the gym
- Counting calories and tracking pounds
- Lots of cardio
- Long dramatic conversations about foods and nutrition, where the focus was on what was wrong and what was new be fearful about.
I finally found new and better friends, plus I dropped my pesky belly roll once I started doing what I love! Including
- Kettlebell and bodyweight moves..anything that let me breathe loud and shove around heavy stuff.
- Less time in the gym, way more fat burning, fun workouts
- Less Running and long cardio… who has time for that?!
- Stopped bumming myself (and others) with dogmatic info and depressing conversations about nutrition.
- Stopped hanging out with people that loved to judge others for eating a burger and talk for hours about their raw lifestyle.
My friends eat burgers and drink beer.. I just keep my mouth shut.. and opt for the kombucha, enjoy the burger with no bun and have a damn great time!
- Eating delicious foods that keep me lean, and full strength and energy.
- Started thinking better. Worked on being more positive and creating a better mindset daily.
- Stopped weighing myself and stopped counting calories.
- Still went to the weekend parties, happy hours and county fairs.. just kept my opinions to myself and knew my best choices anywhere I went!
If you’re into all this stuff… sweet! We can hang out in my online program!
Head to my PROGRAM ROAD MAP PAGE to see exactly what awesome stuff I filled it with for us to do, and yes stay right by you every step of the way!
Don’t worry.. I’ll still bring you great FREE nuggets weekly, but if you really wanna step up to the plate and take a big bite of results.. this is for you!
Check out the program count down on my homepage to see when you can sign up!
Until then you can get little bits from these blogs and podcasts. Just something I do for you, so you can live fully and love what you see!