Often we think we need to do a full workout to stay healthy and strong. This is wrong, pure and simple. Your human body was designed to move in short bouts throughout the day. Use this 2 minute video, 3 times a day.
You will clear brain fog, burn calories, release stress and boost your mood. Watch, follow the steps and take action right away.
- Hip Bridge 3x
- Squatty push backs 3x to Squatty climbers 3/3 Alt
- Squatty push ups 3x
- Squatty Down Dog
- Squat to reach (floor to ceiling) 3x
- Hook up breath 3 x **CLICK here for a 5 min info video on the science behind this/ why this quickly calms your nervous system Repeat 1-6 up to 10 mins!
NEXT STEP to keep doing better: Click HERE. Watch my Sanity Saver Video and use the exercises!
Get 2 Free weeks of daily moves and foods to keep you strong and calm. CLICK below