Why is it so hard to KEEP fat off and STAY lean?
I actually built my entire career around this topic. Seriously
Rather than talk about myself and my journey to discover this amazing formula that Gets crazy awesome fat loss results.
I figure I’ll just jump to it and give you my
Three Step Formula That KEEPS Fat Off!
#1 Daily Trick to Stay Focused
To GET a firmer bod, you’ve got to stay committed AND consistent.
Let’s face it. We show up to our gyms with great intention and energy, but then stuff comes up. Work deadlines, kids events, travel, family demands etc..
To get great results you must KEEP DOING THE WORK. There are tons of great fitness plans but Nothing will work if you don’t consistently show up and WORK the plan
Know and WORK a crystal clear mindset exercise that keeps your mind right (so you can get your body tight) every single day!
FOR Example: You can either be drained or fueled today. Today say no to two things that take energy away from you. An obligation, person, thought, food…
Do this everyday this week.
#2 Know WHY you should care!
Just like anything in life, once you care a lot about something you will make better choices. Why do you opt for that expensive school for your kids? Why do you pick that better oil for your car?
Because you CARE a heck of a lot about these things and you Know WHY the more expensive school and brand will benefit you greatly!
Same thing happens with our workouts and foods. Once people learn WHY they should make a better choice they KEEP making those better choices.
For example- Did you know that if you get less sleep you mess with your hormones? Guaranteed, if you got less than 7 hours of sleep last night. You’re probably feeling those carb cravings and hankering for a bagel, sandwich, mocha or your favorite candy right now.
Maybe tonight you’ll shut off Netfilx a bit earlier
It simply helps to know WHY something matters greatly, right?!
Get someone to show you exactly WHY you should care AND come back often with simple reminders to keep it up!
It’s when you lack clarity, that stuff comes up and distracts you. You stop knowing what you stand for
#3 Feel SEEN!
If you have kids, you totally get this. People THRIVE and do better when someone is watching them. People also succeed more when they’re praised and understood.
Think of it, when was the last time someone said – ” You’re doing a great job, this is hard stuff and I see how much work you are doing”
OR ” It’s normal to feel uncomfortable and want to give in here, but you can totally do this!”
Wouldn’t that make you feel so much better AND keep ACTING better? After all we are a sum of our ACTIONS, not our intentions
Get someone in your life who NOTICES YOU! Someone who comes by a couple times a week and tells you that you are doing a great job. They let you know they SEE how hard you are working and that they know this is hard stuff, but that you totally have this AND then they hand you the next step with firm direction tot keep going!
That is exactly why my Online 8 Week Burn Brighter Program works!!
I made sure to infuse the three components into every facet of my program.
I show up twice a week with all the tools you need to succeed.
Yeah you get fat burning workouts that you can do anywhere. Sure you get fat burning recipes custom picked for each week. Of course you get step by step instructional videos on cooking, meal prep, reading labels, cleanses, best adult beverages, finding your custom macros PER day + tons more awesome tools
But the Real game changers are these 3 Nuggets that I bring you Twice a Week!
Because I know what you need to succeed every darn day! To firm up and stay lean, you need:
1. Focus
2. To Know WHY you should care
3. To FEEL Seen, Understood and Supported
It’s all in my 8 Week Program. Registration is open now! It closes on Friday Feb 17th at 7 PM.
This will not come around again till next September – So join me and other awesome people like you. We all start together on February 20th
If you’re reading this before Feb 14th – you can get a free tour of the whole thing!
Check out exactly how I do this in my FREE online Training.
CLICK HERE to sign up for my FREE Online Training.
I’ve got times that run from Sunday Feb 12th- Tuesday Feb 14th
This is me showing up for you, making you care and SEEING YOU! Yup these are ALL LIVE
If you missed the trainings, no sweat!!
You can check out my full coaching program HERE