It is holiday season! This is can be a great time with people in happy moods, time off work, spending time relaxing and letting loose.
It can also be a time when we tend not to feel so awesome about ourselves. Too many cookies or holiday cocktails, too full social calendar, lots of family chaos.
So I thought I’d give you my top trick to look better, feel amazing and make you the life of the party.
Are you excited? You should be.. it’s cheap and super simple
Now, if you just rolled your eyes, bear with me for a couple minutes. I wanna let you in on 2 reasons why the simple act of giving ( doesn’t have to be a material object) will literally on a scientific level will make you lean out, look sexier, smile more and attract great people.
- You literally create good feelings whenever you give anything. –
This is due to the immediate increase of your endorphins & oxytocin.
Endorphines are neurotransmitters, literally little messengers that your brain sends out when you give something good. They release when you workout! (see the connection.. GIVE yourself good movement and you GET to feel amazing, as well as look great!)
- Endorphins kick into high gear when you think good thought, hear good words, make good actions. NOW – they freakin’ skyrocket when you take those good things and hand it to someone else!
Oxytocin is a hormone. You instantly feel good feelings of warmth, connection and euphoria when oxytocin increases.
- Oxytocin goes through the roof, when you literally take something from within you and give it to someone else: a hug, a smile, a generous tip..
Turns out we humans are hard wired to kick up the Endorphins and Oxytocin anytime we give to others. The simple thought of gratitude boosts them, but when you put that thought into action and give a hug, smile, full attention, encouraging words,music or something material MAGIC HAPPENS!!
Your feel good friends get crazy high and start coarsing through your body! This makes you more motivated, smile involuntarily, relax more and attract the best people
2. This has side effects of
- Killing your workouts
- WANTING to Eat healthy foods
- Making more money
- Having better relationships
- Meeting really cool people
Seriously! It’s all because once endorphin and oxytocin take off, you don’t go looking for satisfaction through not so good pathways ( junk food, alcohol, taking from someone, being stingy, hiding from others).
So if you want to get a killer body, make more friends and become more prosperous.. GIVE MORE!
here’s a great quote to inspire you further:
“The best conversations start with THANK YOU” – Gabrielle Bernstein author of The universe has your back
Stay tuned, next week I’ll post how I found a way to give to everyone I wanted while spending very little money.. can’t wait to share what I did with you!
for more cool science on why Giving rocks check out this great article from Berkeley