If it’s important enough to live by, it’s important enough to put in place.
This is about setting yourself up so you can make better decisions better. Lay out this board & put it up somewhere where you see it every darn day. I have a photo on my phone – so on days I’m not at home I see it. Watch, Do & Enjoy!
Follow my 5 step guide below.
5 steps to a Blueprint that Works
1. Buy a big white poster board
(Cheap from Bartells- mine was $0.99, Fred Meyer, Target…) gather up some colored pencils a Sharpie, pair of scissors and some scotch tape
2. Collect Images of what you wanna bring into your life this next year.
I like scrolling through my phone for good memories that I want more of/ need to sustain me. For example people in your life you should connect with more often, coaches/guides you need to check in with to stay awesome/get stronger (on any level)
Practices you need to keep doing: meditating, singing, dancing, walking outside, connecting with good friends, showing up early and ready.
After you have those – Google image search – or thumb through some cool magazines to find stuff you want for yourself.. maybe a kitchen remodel, some awesome new people in your life, skinny jeans, a more flexible body, more money.. ANything! Have fun with this
Write out EXACTLY what you have to do to get AND keep each thing in your life
ex: I want to show up better for my friends, students & boyfriend. That means: I’ve got to – show up 5 mins early, settle myself for 5-10 mins before (deep breath walk outside) stretching and putting my phone down 5 mins before a friend call or zoom session. I’ve also got to meditate for at least 5 mins every AM – and give myself 20 mins to move and hydrate + enjoy my coffee before I interact with anyone (except my cat Nina). All that needs to happen for me to simply “Show Up Better”
4. Put down exactly how much time you must give to that intention
Each thing you put on takes time.
Some may take more time than others, be super realistic about what you put up for yourself. Use my example above. If I say I’ll be ready for dinner at 5:15 – that means I should be ready and then also budget 5 mins to settle my energy and put myself in a great space to enjoy that with my love.
If you don’t schedule it – It doesn’t exist. This is you taking action – now you just gotta show up. So text your friends – line up those dates, Email your coaches and guides – put the dates and times down 1 month at a time.
See how this works?
Take a critical eye to the stuff you put on your blueprint
- Can you dedicate the time to what you want?
- Will you have the energy and money to sustain this?
- Do you care enough to keep it up? Ya gotta give at least two shits about each thing:)
I’ll Share the Completed Board with you on Facebook – Jan 2nd. CLICK HERE to for my FB page