If you are like me, you love checking out what amazing people in the world are doing.
Let’s face it, we all wanna know the best stuff that keeps us doing great daily- right?! Isn’t that why we love Pinterest, Instagram, Twitter?
Seems that way to me – quick info that gives us awesome tips right?! One thing I love to do is check out what the game changers of the world are up to.
I’m talking The Dalai Lama, Oprah, Tony Robbins, Arianna Huffington, Gwen Stefani, Marie Forleo _______________(enter your motivating leader here)
This is one reason I love having guests on my podcast! It’s so great to hear from people that are literally guiding thirsty souls (me included) to their better selves every darn day.
So I got to thinking.. what do these great people all have in common? What’s one thing they ALL do every darn day?
The thing where if they skip it they struggle to stay at the top of their game.
FOUND IT! I recorded it for you on this episode:)
[podcast src=”https://html5-player.libsyn.com/embed/episode/id/5301985/height/0/width/0/theme/standard/autonext/no/thumbnail/yes/autoplay/no/preload/no/no_addthis/no/direction/forward/” height=”” width=””]
That way you can keep up with all you need to do today and just listen (no need to put off those email, dog walk, commuting)
Just hit play to hear what trigger the greatest people pull every day, to stay top of their game.