As you’ve learned in my SLEEP FITNESS PACK you have a natural brain rinse that CAN happen every night. This is your glymphatic rinse and is enabled by your body’s “glymphatic system”
Below are 5 steps that enable your Glymphatic Brain Rinse every night
Check out my Video & check out below the video“SCIENCE!” in pink for those in depth studies that help you understand more and impress your friends.
- Time
Get at least 7 hours of sleep. If you sleep less than that despite your best intentions CLICK HERE to learn HOW TO UNDO A SHODDY NIGHTS SLEEP. Or watch video #3 in THIS Sleep Fitness Pack
2. Space
Your brain needs space between it’s neurons (brain cells) . For this to happen you need to calm your brain down. No exciting/ interesting information before bed. Interesting info spikes norepinephrine and this hormone/neurotransmitter will cause less space between neurons. Keep Norepinephrine low. Turn off screens and chill out.
3. No Food within 2 hours of bedtime
Food also spies norepinephrine. Food is information If you must eat CLICK HERE for your two best sleep snack options
4. Cool Room Temp
Lower your bedroom temp to 60-65 degrees. You can pile on some blankets if needed:)
5. Sleep on your side
Yup, that cerebralspinal fluid will flow to your brain better if your noggin is on it’s side
Two helpful images below for you. Below these images find additional scientific links and a PDF guide from the Society of Neuroscience
- How the cerebral spinal fluid travels up your spine to your brain to wash out your brain when you are at rest &
- A model of the glymphatic function in a healthy and non healthy brain
Click on resources below for more info.: Article & study from super smart M.D’s , PhD’s and Neuroscientists ( I totally recommend you read both)
ONLINE most brief & accurate summary
Info on Norephinephrine. Glymphatic system’s biggest enemy
I highly advise reading this book for more in depth Sleep Health tips and lots of info on the glymphatic system