An awesome student sent this article to me last week from Quartz by Rosie Spinks,
I smiled so big once I read it. She gets why this is so important.
She came to me with weight loss goals, but from our first lesson together..
I assigned her this drill (video below). Little did she know then how much it would help her reach her goals. She’s been practicing daily for the past year. ..
She’s lost 26 lbs, 6% Body Fat and 12.5 inches. Umm, yeah – she met her goals and made new ones! Squatting built her the stronger core and, safer back and knees – so she could do everything else way better and easier:)
- Follow the vid below- find your height – that allows your butt lower than your knees, and your spine straight + feet flat on the floor.
Sit like this more often (cushions/yoga blocks on the floor)
throughout your day. And go ahead and add 3 rounds of 10 squats in this form to any workout:)
this will helps you build a stronger back and knees. Once you got that going, you can do just about anything with way more power and stay safe.
CLICK HERE to Check out the article in Quartz by Rosie Spinks, for all the science on why you should squat-