Step 1: What is my main goal? ANYthing you want to achive in the next 6-8 weeks
( work, physical, emotional/mental health, family connection…)
Step 2: When do you want to complete this by? Write down the exact date.
Step 3: To meet the above time frame, how many hours per week MUST you work on this goal?
Step 4: Write Down the EXACT hours you can make this happen on the EXACT days you can do this work.
Step 5: Limit ALL distractions. Treat this like a work meeting with your CEO! DO not allow yourself to schedule anything during these times. Set alarms to start and stop **Do not access social media or email while you are working on this goal
NOW- move onto the next Video to create your rock solid plan.
(at the bottom of this page are more videos for body recovery/ rolling, mobility to employ in your recovery time if you are wanting that)
(Your plan will not work until you’ve set up your WORK plan. Once we know when we must work the most, then we can set up the recovery plan)
Step 1: Use your notes from the previous Video & Write down your big WORK periods (ex: me = Monday full day till Tues early eve)
Step 2: Find time right before of after those large work periods
(ex: me = Tuesday eve I wrap up everything by 5 PM, eat dinner then go for a walk, veg out to Netflix and early to bed)
Step 3: Find 1-3 “Playtime” tools. Simple things you can do that comfort you and keep you feeling good (so not a gallon of ice cream OR 3 glasses of wine OR scrolling through social media)
My playtime tools = Dancing, drawing, riding my bike down the street to an empty lot and screaming anything, sitting in the grass in the sun and painting my nails, having a phone call date while I take a long walk…
Step 4: Schedule these recovery times– Do not let yourself bleed your work time into these! Make sure you’re set up so you make these happen = set that phone date with your friend. pump up your bike tires, get drawing paper and pencils..
Step 5. Take Action! You made a solid plan, Now simply work the plan.
Please leave me comments below on if and how this helped you, thank you!

CLICK HERE for your body recovery tools with Videos!