See YouTube video below on why this is the perfect snack for activating days when you need to “Simma Down Now”
** make this at least 24 hours before you want to enjoy it. See notes at bottom
Makes 6 servings of 1/2 cup each. Great with berries on top!
- 4 med size ripe avocados
- 1 cup coconut cream (canned)
- 4 tablespoons unsweetened dark cocao powder (I love Nativa.. Just look for only ingredient being “cacao” NOT Cocoa on the label)
- 3 tablespoons raw honey (taste to determine)
- 3 ounces of dark chocolate ** must say Cacao.. NOT Cocoa (72% or higher), melted My fav is “Taza Chocolate- WICKED DARK”
- 2 teaspoons vanilla extract
- 1 tbsp plant based milk (oatmilk or almond are best)
- 1/8th teaspoon salt
- fresh mint for garnish *optional
1. Remove avocados from the skin (and pit) and place in a blender or food processor.
leave till you’ve added the rest of the ingredients before blending.
2. In a small pot on low melt the chocolate bars & coconut cream (bout 2 mins). Add to avos in blender
3. Add cacao powder, honey, vanilla and salt, blending until pureed, scraping down the sides when needed to combine.
Taste and season/sweetened additionally if desired. Blend for a good 1 to 2 minutes until completely creamy.
**Put in fridge for 24 hours before FOR best consistency . This is VERY filling stuff – about a 1/4 cup serving is great as a snack or dessert.