You’ve probably had someone tell you at some point in your life: “Just let it go” or “You gotta release that”
So how’s that gone for you?
I gotta say – “Letting go” is effing hard! Recently I wanted to punch some well meaning people in the face every time they told me, “ya gotta just let that go”
It’s a super hard thing to pry our stubborn brains of something that is keeping us from moving forward.. at least it is for me.
That’s why I was stoked when I found a super easy way that totally worked for me to ” Let it Go!”
Just so ya know – “Letting Go” will serve you in reaching ANY goal, because we free our minds to take on the hard challenges we may be struggling with. Doesn’t matter if it’s with your foods, workouts, work life, family life OR other stuff. Try the below steps on anything that you’ve been butting your head against the wall about:)
CLICK HERE for my let go with Video
HOW to Let IT GO.
SHOW UP- Step up to your obstacle
OWN UP – Come from a place of love and HONESTLY state how you feel
This is best explained with a short story..don’t worry I’ll keep it brief.
Recently I was listening to my friend. James, talk about how he’s been bogged down with the news. World events, political climate.. basically stuff is getting to him and making him not do or be very good on a daily basis. James said
“I’ve been such and ass lately! Just the other day I was getting on the bus and totally bit this girls head off, I mean she DID totally cut in line, but I totally bit her head off. Once I heard myself I felt ashamed. She shoved her way to the front and I angrily stated “Do you NOT see the line!”. Everyone in line stopped and looked at me, She said “You don’t have to get so upset” I was immediately ashamed and hated what I had done.
After a few minutes, I calmed down and went over to her on the bus, she was early 20’s had big headphones in and I made eye contact with her, I sincerely said ” I am truly sorry for how I treated you”
She kept a neutral gaze and looked at me, but I knew she heard me.
Then I got off the damn bus
BOOM! There it is. James states it so well
SHOW UP- Step up to your obstacle
OWN UP – Come from a place of love and HONESTLY state how you feel
That’s it! It doesn’t matter if your obstacle receives you or denies you – it’s just you stepping up, owning up and moving on.
I hope this helps you as much as it helped me. CLICK HERE to check out what I had to let go of, and HOW it got me to crush some serious goals.