Chocolate is actually great for your health.. IF it’s big on quality and low on quantity.
Just like some friends, you can find yourself hanging out with the wrong kind. Before you know it you’re feel drained and wanna go take a nap.
Cool thing is, just like awesome friends, you can feel inspired, strong and happy.
It all depends on the quality you pick to hang out with.
Chocolate comes from the Cacao bean. Cacao is actually a superfood. Meaning it is chock full of nutrients and minerals. Specifically it’s brimming with protein, iron, calcium and magnesium. Something all strength seekers need.
It only turns into your enemy when we dump a bunch of milk and sugar into it.
I know what you are thinking, Dark Chocolate is healthy, right? WRONG!
Dark Chocolate is tricky. A label that reads 80% dark chocolate. Still has a bunch of milk and sugar in it.
What you want to look for is CACAO! This means there is still a bunch of that awesome original bean in there. The one that makes you keep lean muscle, think better and perform better.
Get picky and choose labels with over 80% cacao, NOT 80% dark chocolate.
I myself love the brands Sacred Chocolate, Dagoba and Green and Black. OH! And since it has way more good stuff, you won’t want as much of it.
Right now put your two thumbnails together, see that size. That’s the size of how much chocolate you want. Don’t be sneaky and make it size of your two thumbs, I said thumbnails!
Now go enjoy great people and fantastic chocolate!