This Episode is all about one simple thing you can do every day that will make you enjoy life more. Not only that.. this one skill will make you smarter, leaner and way more popular with everyone around you.
Listen to my podcast episode on Why you MUST Get out There!
If you like being your greatest version of yourself, you gotta do this:)
Also get a heads up to your next guest on Burn Brighter Podcast – it’s pretty exciting!! Took me months to get him
[podcast src=”https://html5-player.libsyn.com/embed/episode/id/5105673/height/0/width/0/theme/standard/autonext/no/thumbnail/yes/autoplay/no/preload/no/no_addthis/no/direction/forward/” height=”” width=””]
This is all about PURPOSEFULLY changing things up. Turns out learning new stuff and getting out of our comfort holes not only improves our mood- but boosts brain health AND keeps you lean.
Sometimes we dont’ notice it, but we get totally stuck with our same ‘ol stuff.
This can be great, those daily comforts and predictable living. I totally get that! I must admit, I love my Sunday evenings at home flipping through magazines and watching a chic flick.
But I also know how great I feel when I make myself get out of my comfy sunday sweats and meet up with a friend, or read a super informative book.
I don’t know about you, but I find as an adult.. this can be super hard!
To dump the comfort and do something different.
For the last couple months I’ve been forcing myself to meet 2 new people a week.
It’s funny really, I get nervous and almost back out repeatedly- but I’ve been swallowing my pride and stepping up to stranger’s saying
“Hey! I’m Breanne. I’m kinda new to town and would love to hang out sometime if you’d like”
This totally surprises people, I am meeting some pretty cool people and I kicked my winter funk. In fact just yesterday as it poured outside, I sat with a woman from Sunday’s yoga class at a great new juice bar and then headed to a matinee
Now check out the episode above… it’s super easy- just click on the PLAY button