I’ve always been known as a straight shooter. So I’m gonna stay true to that here for you.
Two weeks ago my husband and I decided to end our marriage of ten years.
We somehow stayed calm and pretty darn respectful of each other as we both agreed we are better apart, while we’ve been living like single people for some time.. It still completely sucked.
Why am I sharing this with you? Good question:)
Because I know when sucky stuff happens, we humans can get so caught up in the mess of a situation and feel super lost and alone. This is a one way ticket to Hot Mess Town. I’m not going there and neither are you:)
What does seem to help is to hear that other people have felt the struggles and pain we feel (in any situation) It’s also super helpful when we know we’re totally normal and that there is a next step forward to a better place.
This is exactly why I love Oprah and Inspiring Sports Dramas:)
To keep myself on track and accountable I’m going social with my journey. My entire purpose as a Health Coach is to help people stay victors in their daily life and not allow themselves to be victims.
Honestly this is as much for me as it is for you. I figure if I literally have to SHOW UP each week and DO THE WORK I know I need to do, I’ll stay on a good path. So I’m starting here–
At Step #1
Get Some Freakin’ Perspective!
My better perspective right now is all thanks to some kick ass people experts I listened to last week. A super easy way to get access to Experts is through Podcasts!
- Dr. Katherine Woodward’s Podcast with Lewis Howes on “Healthy UnCoupling”
Somehow I came across this episode on my 5 hour road trip to move back to Seattle and find a new apartment for my dog and I. So timely. This episode on Lewis Howe’s School of Greatness, made me snap out of my angry, emotional state and calm the F down.
Dr.. Woodward is a godsend. She showed me that I can turn this whole divorce thing on it’s head. To stop looking at a break up as a shame filled event. To stop the pints of ice cream, alcohol and Tyler Perry movies.
I know that I am really lucky to have found the man I spent the last 13 years with. He was the right person for those years. We both know that we will each better lives separately. And that great stuff lies ahead for us both. THANKS to this podcast I have better PERSPECTIVE and can see that now:)
I’m gonna keep plugging into inspiring podcasts this week. Lewis Howes has a knack for finding awesome experts that I know will keep my head up and eyes forward. So I’m gonna keep it simple and plug into a few more School of Greatness episodes.
Lewis Howes- School of Greatness CLICK HERE for iTunes Podcast
I can’t wait to hear Pro- Surfer’s Mark Mathew’s on “Facing Fears and Bouncing Back” Perfect for my next dog walk