Do this one thing to get from zombie to superhero every morning! Do you wake up charged for your days or do you feel more more of a like zombie..dragging yourself out of bed with and eerie groan?
If it was the latter, I totally hear ya! I used to fight that zombie body.
Good thing I figured out how to stop the walking dead mornings for good! I just did this one simple thing every night
At least 2 hours before my bedtime, I stopped having ANY sugar, including alcohol and fruit.
It’s a real game changer! Here’s why
Sugar will knock you down, always! But when you don’t move after you eat it (AKA sleep) you will pay the price big time.
It will make you hate your reflection and suck at almost anything you do.. especially working out.
Ever do an early morning workout and those weights feel 10 pounds heavier than they really are? How about when mile 1 feels like mile 8?
That’s the sugar!
What about when you don’t work out, but you can’t even say your everyday coffee order correctly, or you can’t finish your sentence? Yeah, you can blame that on the sugar.
Unless the barista is distractingly good looking Then that’s just your good ol hormones.
It’s time to get from sucking in the morning to strutting into your day. Lift more and finish those sentences!
KNOW WHAT THE HECK IS HAPPENING + My 3 Top Tips to outsmart evening treats
I’ll keep this short and simple. You most likely know that when you have a juice, soda or chocolate bar your blood sugar skyrockets and then plummets back down. This is the all familiar sugar rush, followed by a sugar crash. Leaving you cranky, sad and wanting more.
We’ve all been there.
Now say you had a something more complex, even a piece of apple pie, or some toast with honey. That sugar goes into your body and looks for something to use it up.
This means you need to move.
If you don’t move, that sugar just stays elevated, if it’s not it turns into fat. Pure and simple.
You either use sugar as energy, or you store it as fat.
Now. Once you have that fat on you, your body also starts burning less calories and has no great sources to pull from when you do need to move 6-9 hours later.
Choose foods with complex carbs and get moving!
Have a small apple and then go on a 15 minute walk. That 4 oz glass of wine or ½ cup scoop of ice cream would require 30 minutes of all out Intense dance party or a 45 minute fast hike.
I’m thinking that’s pretty slim on a typical evening for you.
Try this if you fall for the treats every night:
1. Have a big glass of water
2. Still hungry, reach for a a healthy fat – 5 cashews with some large unsweetened coconut flakes is perfect!
3. Get your butt to bed!