To have the best experience you need the right tools. I’ve listed all you need to stay in shape with limited space.
First we start with your device set up. Stop using your furniture and books to prop up your computer. Your form will suffer, you may develop aches and pangs and it is frustrating to interact with!
For fitness gear. Scroll down for all the goods:)
#1 Tool: Yoga Mat.
Get the best one- Manduka, don’t go cheap on this. You will forever be frustrated and you will be using this a lot for park and home workouts
Click here for link off Amazon. If you can’t get Manduka brand. Look at Gaia products
#2 Tool: Perform Better Superband – 1/2 inch
Superbands! Order 3-4 of these. They work well and you will wear through them. Great for Travel workouts!
Get a 1/2” to 3/4 inch .
1 inch and above is too much resistance
#4 Tool: Two Cork Yoga Blocks
CLICK here for amazon link. I like this NODE brand for it’s value. Manduka is the best hands down:) You will need to order 2 @ $20 each – costs a bit more and worth it!
This has the best edges that will secure and feel good to your hands
ALSO… ONE FOAM Yoga Block . just one for inner thigh and ab work
CLICK HERE for foam block order link
#5 Tool. Slam Balls – great to get out frustrations + awesome modification for swings. DO NOT order “medicine balls” https://www.amazon.com/Day-Fitness-Weighted-Slam-Ball/
#6 tool. Foam Roller – TOTALLY essential! Check yourself before you wreck yourself
contact me if you do not know how to use this.
Kettlebells – Hands down, the #1 tool you need at home.The magic’s in the bell, literally! It all comes down to architecture of the weight.
Because they are round, kettlebells work your larger, deeper muscles. This not only keeps your joints safe, it also torches calories! Here are the weights that’ll keep you doing awesome at home.
Wait, wait! Read below first before ordering weights online:
= NO!
Do not order non round/ adjustable bells
You want iron only – no rubber bottoms or vinyl coated. If it’s not iron all the way around your grip will suck – which means you don’t get as strong as fast. Also the rubber bottoms and different coatings will mess up your form and your floors.
Get these bells to have at home (NOTE up to 18 pounds are in lbs- beyond that is all Kg) 1 Kg = 2.204 lbs ( 10 kg bell = 22 lbs)
- Most Basic Set up for Beginner = One 14-18 lb Bell, One 12 Kg Bell, One 16 Kg Bell
Below is the best set up for anyone who’s doing bells at home for more than 3 weeks.
- 1x 14-18 lb bell for mobility and injury prevention work
- 2x 10 Kg= TGU’s and light shoulder mobility work (halos) overhead presses, single leg deadlifts, One arm swings + overhead presses.
- 2 x 12 kg Dbl cleans, OH presses, Single leg deadlifts
- 2 x 14 kg Dbl swings, 2 hand (classic) swings
- 1 x 16 kg ** Most people’s 2 Hand (classic swing)
- 1 x 20 kg Deadlift, 2 hand swing
- 1x 24-28 kg Hvy swings, perfect for Pavel’s “Quick and the Dead + Simple & Sinister”
If you gotta scale down then go with this: most basic set up/ essentials = 1x 14 lb, 1×18 lb, 2x10kg + 1 x16 Kg (to start with)
Strongfirst is the best choice hands down. As of Sept 10th they’ve been filling orders faster than Amazon retailers & they are the best quality = well worth the price! CLICK HERE to order
Below are the top available brands on AMAZON to find bells.
RKC, Rep Kettlebells & Yes4all.
If Amazon doesn’t have bells available at either above – Order off ROGUE.com, ONNITfitness or Nordiclifting.com