Okay, So you know how there’s that stuff you really truly want for yourself
Like- eat more healthy foods, drink less vino, eat less chocolate, get to the gym 4x a week, pay off the credit card…
You get the idea:)
For us busy humans – these “SHOULD DO’s” can be real buggers
Not anymore! I’ve got a simple trick to make sure you totally nail those SHOULD DO’s.. rather than falling into what we WILL DO.
To DO Better, We must KNOW Better
I know you and I can totally DO better, Once we Know Better with these 6 simple steps
To drop the WILL Do’s- say hello to your SHOULD Do’s
Habits die hard- and they only die with LOTS of practice – this means every day you and I are gonna rep in 1-6 below
1. Stop when you’re resisting doing the SHOULD
2. Stand and take 3 deep breaths.
ALL through your nose. Inhale for 4, hold for 7 , exhale fo
3. Say: “If it’s important enough to live by, It’s important enough to put in place”
DO NOT do anything else that doesn’t have to do with your should.
Don’t you dare move into that distracting thought or action (re-organizing your work bag, vacuuming, checking your phone)
4. Write out a simple plan of EXACTLY how you will put this in place
Check out my example One below
For me to get to bed on time I set my smart phone alarm section for 8:45 PM Sun-Fri. It is also set in my calendar, all 3 of them! I also let my loved ones know.
6. Get Going!
You know what super successful people have in common? They DIG.
- Get Deliberate – Steps 1 & 2
- Get Intentional – Steps 4 & 5
- Get Going – Step 6
Here’s 2 real life examples I’m working on this month
Example ONE:
I SHOULD get to bed earlier (9 PM)
- My old will do = putter around and get to bed bout 10
This starts tonight! March 1, 2019 !!
I need to get to bed by 9 PM tonight
- when my ” get to bed” alarm goes off on my phone- I WILL hit snooze.. But then I will
- stand up – take 3 deep breaths
- say out loud or to myself “This is important to live by, so it is important enough to put in place”
AND oh man is it! – Important for my clients the next day, my relationship with my boyfriend, my health, my mind, my strength work, my happiness.
Once I say and KNOW this – I will
4. Turn off any screens, brush my teeth,
5. Set my morning alarms
6. Get my butt to bed!
That’s it!
Do we really need to do all this?
For Shizzle!!
We are human – that means we have old habits that totally hold us back have been drilled in us hard – we can only move forward with NEW Habits- practice them out with super conscious actions daily UNTIL your SHOULD’s become your WILL Do’s.
Cool, right!
Let’s walk through this again to make sure you can totally master it:)
Take anything you need to get done. Let’s try a simple one together
GOAL: You SHOULD buy a new awesome couch
retire your old, shabby couch and get a new, better one
First – is this indeed a Should?
Ask yourself – If it’s important enough to live by, it’s important enough to put in place
I would say – getting rid of that old couch that has less support, some old stories in it you don’t need PLUS giving yourself something better that you can enjoy everyday to give you more support, allows you to enjoy new and better connections
(whether that’s with friends, your kids, your dog, your books, your Netflix account)- That’s pretty worth it — YOu can seriously level up your daily life with a new and better couch!
SO – When it comes to this weekend and it’s Sunday and you’d rather putter around home than go drive to a store and check out couches..
Do this:
2. BREATHE – Stand and take 3 deep slow breaths (focus yourself)
3. SAY ” If it’s important enough to live by, it’s important enough to put in place”
DO NOT – wander into the kitchen and make yourself a snack – or get distracted with something else at home
4. WRITE out a simple plan. In this case:
- A list of stores to get to
- Space measurements
- Price range you need to stay in
- A time to STOP looking so you don’t get frustrated and stop enjoying it all
5. SCHEDULE it =
GO NOW or if you can’t – put a couple times this week in your calendar – set your alerts to remind you.
Put sticky notes in your car, by your desk, fridge ( WED eve – by 6 PM – go look at couches for 1 hour)
At least take the measurements and take a look online for great store locations
Now – start practicing – tackle 1 big one weekly.. for me it’s the sleep! Every darn day baby:)
What’s yours?