So, I’m about to head downtown (Spokane) for the Women’s March. While I made plans with friends to who up at the march, I also really wanted to opt out today.
It’s been a long week and getting in some veg out time at home was sounding much better.
But then I had dinner with my 13 year old nephew last night and something he said made me realize just how important today is.
Once we were done with our meals and He said “let’s go”
I said “hold up, I gotta pay the bill”
Which he then told me I didn’t have to and we could just leave, no one would notice.
What the What?!
I had him explain to me what would happen if we dined and dashed. He rolled his eyes and went through a list of consequences.. we could get in trouble, we could feel bad, people wouldn’t like us..
What he couldn’t think of. And actually didn’t know (till I told him) was that our waitress would have to PAY for our meal. The same awesome lady who patiently waited on us, while she had a packed restaurant.
It was when he realized that dining and dashing meant someone else would literally PAY/ suffer the consequences that he began to care.
We then happily payed our bill and left an awesome tip.
After I dropped him off at home, I realized that NOT marching was a little like dining and dashing.
I have many privileges and freedom on a daily basis. If I continue to take advantage of these and NOT show my gratitude I am causing other people to suffer.
All I have to do today is SHOW UP and take SIMPLE ACTION!
It’s when we don’t pay our bills, when we act selfishly and keep taking that others suffer. Great Humans showed up and took action to make my life better.
So today I March!
Show Up, Take Action. Because nothing great ever comes from sitting on your sofa and eye guzzling Netflix Plus, You’ll get some great fresh air, a little exercise and show your family how to really BE Better.
With my Full Light