THREE Steps to Nail ANY Super Hard Goal
For the past 13 months I’ve been working on One super hard goal.
Doing a One Arm Push UP so I can become a certified Strongfirst Bodyweight Coach
last week I realized the steps I took will help me nail ANY hard thing I want to get done in life (job stuff, relationships, being a better human, or being strong as heck!) Try these steps for yourself
1. STAY PATIENT (+ practice self compassion)
You can NEVER Rush Strength. But you MUST keep showing up and working the plan – EVERY DAY
Hire Bad Ass Pros. Pay Them. Do the work – and KEEP going (Scroll down to Check out my Team)
When you have ONE really big challenge- You cannot do all the other things
Here’s How I learned these steps. SCROLL Down to get each step in detail, so you can totally nail your own goal!!
1. STAY PATIENT (+ practice self compassion)
You can NEVER Rush Strength. But you MUST keep showing up and working the plan – EVERY DAY
- When you have ONE really big challenge- You cannot do all the other things
” Meet yourself EXACTLY where you’re at and you’ll be amazed at where you can take yourself ” COACH Brett Jones We are human. We can only do so much at a time. To have TRUE , deep strength you’ve got to stay consistent and keep it SUPER FUCKING simple!
I had to go through lots of steps of finding my weak points (where my body has a hard time holding tension) and one by one plug those points with daily drills and practice. Only when I was seen by a coach higher (in expertise) than myself and got their stamp of approval I had plugged that link (gotten stronger and was moving better) could I move onto the next drill.
You can’t just train for a super hard thing by doing THAT thing over and over again. You’ve got to practice moves that support and build up to that.
Ex: Karate Kid – Mr. Miyagi had Daniel Son do wax on, wax off for millions of reps – till his body knew those clean movements and could perform them seamlessly those movements made him better at actual Karate, even though they were not karate!
Also – As you stay Patient. Stay COMPASSIONATE. Forgive yourself for the times you’re not as far along as you think. You are human, you have days with less sleep, more work stress… TALK nice to yourself. If you beat yourself up- you’ll just do worse- or end up quitting. HELL NO!
Hire Bad Ass Pros. Pay Them. Do the work – and KEEP going
- Keep eyes on you, and on your plan. Once you set out what you need to do, find a PRO in whatever that is and make sure this is indeed a great plan to stick to. I thought I had a great plan…
Once I went over it with my coaches Andrea U-Shi Chang. Molly Douce, Karen Smith & Anthony Aamodt. (All have more experience and wicked credentials)I realized I was taking on too much and totally holding myself back. Left to my own devices, I was getting in my own way.
So I hired them all, put them on my calendar. Did EXACTLY what they said and TRUSTED the plan (Even when it felt wrong) This has totally paid off!
Coach Molly Douce = Every M & Wednesday 10:30-11:30 AM
Molls has lived it ALL and gets it. She’s a retired Seattle Fire Chief turned Strongfirst Kettlebell Coach. She knows what it is to push past pain & sacrifice comfort for challenges. She also totally knows the importance of SHOWING UP- and being a reliable human I could trust to be honest with me.
She videos my moves weekly and give me feedback. Also every 2 weeks – we set up a super detailed 2 week plan for myself
Coach & Dr. Anthony Aamodt (younger dude, on my Rt.. Jeff Sokol (on my left) taught me to have beautiful snatches:)
Doc Anthony and I meet Thursdays 9:30-10 Am – every other week
This guy is top of his game. Moved from LA to work with the Seahawks top PT. He’s kinda a genius.
M.D. Chiroprator, Sports Medicine doctor as well as fellow SFG coach
Anthony takes a look at what Molly and I are working on. He watches me perform the moves, checks my form and gives me new work to help me clean up patterns and fix inconsistencies
Master SFG Coach Andrea U- SHi Chang = half an hour Once every 6-8 weeks
She takes a look at what I’m doing, and tells me what I’m doing wrong. YOu don’t come to Chang for an esteem boost. You will be humbled.. but you will become way more amazing than you ever could have imagined. I’ve been with her for 10 years and will never stray. There’s a reason she was featured in Oprah magazine for changing lives
Coach Karen Smith – The Queen Bee. This lady travels the world instructing and certifying individuals of all ages and fitness levels from beginners to elite US military/Law enforcement to be Master Instructors specializing in Kettlebell and Bodyweight Strength for STRONGFIRST
I send in Vids to her every 2 months – she’s in Texas – she gives me constant feedback and tips. One day I’ll get a
“You DID it!” back
When you have ONE really big challenge- You cannot do all the other things
You’ve got to put in lots of time and energy- spring clean your life!
- I had to work less hours as a coach myself to keep in all my own training and these appointments.
- I also had to make time for recovery – 1 full hour on Thursdays of rolling and stretching, once a week yoga, one day off everything & more sleep every night! To take on more challenges, we MUST recover more. It’ll NEVER work otherwise
- I also had to take EVERYTHING OUT that was holding me back
- running – was making my body loose tension and adding fatigue to my muscles and joints
- sugar – no beer, no treats, no sugar, no fruit, no grains, no wheat- AT ALL! They all take cause insulin spikes and cause cellular imbalances with struggling mitochondria.
- no other high strength moves. No Overhead presses, no pullups. The muscles worked in the OAPU- (lats, deep core, chest, obliques, rectus, quads, glutes) All have enough to do.. Whenever I did more, I got weaker every time.
WHY AM I doing all this?
Here’s where all this work, time and sacrifice has gotten me. I’m still working on this – tenacious as fuck.. read on
Why do I want the SFB (Strongfirst Bodyweight Coach Certification)?
1. I wanna keep being a great coach, serve my students the best I can while walking my talk AND having fun in life. This is fun for me!
2. It is such a complex and strong move that it will make me better at ALL my other moves (deadlifts, swings, presses.. everything!)
3. I’m a proud member/ student of the StrongFirst Coaching Community. I dream of standing shoulder to shoulder with the best teachers in this school of strength. To get there (by age 55. I’m 40 now) I gotta get stronger and prove I’ve got the stuff to teach others and carry on this legacy.
So, right now the challenge is the One Arm Push UP. Next comes tactical pull-ups and the One Arm Overhead Press 20 KG (45 lbs)
I just did the re- test of my OAPU this AM.. AND am waiting for feedback from Head SFB Coach Karen Smith (coachkarensmith.com)
You can find out this week – GO to my Instagram page CLICK HERE for burnbrightercoaching Instagram for the video.