This is Video 2 of my FREE Sleep Fitness Pack CLICK HERE to gain access now!
Shoddy sleep happens to all of us.
Stress, snooze alarms and too much screen time happens. Here’s four steps that will get you to quickly
- Kick Brain Fog
- Boost Work Productivity
- Eradicate food cravings that make you wanna take a nap under your desk & hold onto body fat.
- Increase Energy
- Improve Digestion & Mood
All four steps are customized for the super busy under slept person. There is NO food prep, no utensils and no workout gear! Eat your normal meals, just add in the 4 steps below.
Plan Ahead! Click on the product links & stock up.
You need a lot of water to help your brain, eyes & gut work better. When you sleep poorly all three take a mighty hit.
Get in 4 liters by 3 PM. Every day keep a regular and very big water bottle full and in the fridge or on your counter. Use these links for two different water bottles off Amazon
MiiR 23 ounce **best water bottle that fits any face + it gives back to build wells & schools!
Also get THIS 64 oz Thermoflask bottle. This keeps me refilling at my desk or on the go.
2. Get in MORE Greens
For busy days I make sure I have 3 of these amazing grass packets in my work satchel & glovebox.
These on the go packets are a godsend. CLICK HERE
Just dump one in your water, shake or stir and down it right before your first meal. Repeat that same process with your second packet before your second meal.
If you are really struggling (constipation, hungover, major stress) Have 1.5 packet instead of just one. 3 packets total in your day
These powdered greens keeps your body and brain firing on all cylinders. You will also poop more (true fact) and that healthy elimination frees up energy!
3. Eat more protein
The best delicious go to is Justin’s almond butter packets
When you sleep less you WILL crave sugar/ carbs like crazy!
Kick that craving to the curb with a protein snack. Have one of these when that pastry, candy or chip craving hits. I keep 3 of these stocked near me always.
4. Move! Get in 2-4 vigorous movement breaks
CLICK HERE for 90 second videos you can do without needing to change into workout clothes
CLICK HERE for two different 4 minute workout videos Complete with downloadable PDF Guides.
OR Head outside for some fresh air and a short 2-5 minute brisk walk!
Check out this cool science on why SHORTER workouts are better