If you read the subject line and your mind went to the bedroom, I get ya… but you’re wrong!
There’s an exercise that’s even better for your skin
I’ve often wondered why people who did these types of workouts looked.. well, hella sexy and glowing afterwards
Thanks to Dr. Michael Hartle We now,know exactly why these types of workouts give you a glow you just can’t bottle AND why you can continue getting younger looking skin by keeping certain moves in your routine. Read on to get the goods!
I’m talking about challenging weights, not little dumbells that you can swing around for 12-20 reps.
Anything heavy will do; sandbags, kettlebell, barbell, dumbells, mace training, your body (push ups, pull ups, pistols)
Basically something that makes you grunt, but doesn’t jack you up and wreck you
(if you get injured, your face will be angry all the time- no one cares about glowing skin on an angry face)
Basically- When you lift heavy weights, you create tension. That tension causes a cascade of events that actually helps your body detox and bring great stuff to your cells, especially the cells of your largest organ- your skin!
It’s an effect called PERFUSION. Dr. Hartle explains it beautifully in THIS ARTICLE he wrote for Strongfirst.com
I highly encourage you to check it out. But if you’re looking for the cliff notes, here ya go:
Perfusion is the rush of blood into your body when you momentarily create HIGH muscular tension. What happens after that rush of blood is released has jaw dropping results
When you lift something very heavy (5 reps max weight). Ya gotta brace your core (everything from butt to shoulders) It’s that core bracing that momentarily spikes your blood pressure.
This is a good thing!
Actually the more you get your body used to periodic short bursts of high to low blood pressure, the LESS likely you are to have a heart attack.
With that burst of blood flow, you force nutrients into your capillaries ( ya/ know the tiny blood vessels that connect arteries and veins).
When a rush of blood forces into your capillaries, they in turn take that blood and force awesome nutrients into your body with increased Oxygen.
They also remove waste.
Junk in your body it doesn’t need.
Ever notice how after a high strength session you are hella sweaty and probably need to poop?
Yup – Perfusion.
Just know that even though you feel like a mess, you are instantly more beautiful AND you literally got a dose of the best anti-ageing drug around.
So- put down the face cream and hit the weights! Just make sure you 100% know what you’re doing or hire an SFG coach
And please – check out Dr. Hartle’s full article HERE