We are starting on Jan 4th 2023 and Ending on Feb 14th (I misspoke in the video, we are doing six weeks, not eight)
Each week you work on one simple challenge. The challenges do stack ( week 3 = you do every day the challenges from week 1, 2 and 3 . This is not difficult, it just takes consistency.
Scroll to the bottom of this page for THIS week’s challenge (Jan
Let me know how you’re doing + any questions on my BURN BRIGHTER SUPPORT Facebook page CLICK HERE . Enough said.. Let’s Go!
WEEK ONE. Water! 4 liters by 4 PM. Jan 4-11th
CLICK HERE for guide with buy links to water bottles
Week Two Challenge. Jan 11th-17th. Screentime
Challenge: Put your cell phone away at 20 minutes before bed every night.
If putting your phone away from your bed and in airplane mode 8 minutes before you go to sleep is a challenge, start there!
Just start increasing the time your phone is away from you before you go to sleep. Ideally you should be away form ALL electronic screens at least 20 minutes before bed and Wifi should be turned off or set to airplane mode.
For now, simply work on consistency and slowly build up your time.
Why your phone is harming your sleep and your body:
Your phone transmits EMF signals which greatly disrupt your sleep and healthy cellular functions.
There is scientific proof showing that EMF signals from our electronic devices (laptops, TV’s. ipads, phones) disrupt melatonin in our bodies. We need melatonin to sleep.
** Taking melatonin supplements is NOT advised. Melatonin is a hormone. When you artifically increase levels in your body with supplements, this will create an imbalance. Your body will start to produce less melatonin. Artificial increases in hormones will create unhealthy imbalances in your cellular functions.
CLICK HERE for the study on EMF signals and melatonin.
CLICK HERE for study on power lines and extra secretion of melatonin
& From UC Berkeley on EMF signals and the human body CLICK HERE
SWANWICK Blue light blocking glasses. CLICK HERE
Week 3 Challenge. Jan 18th-25th Healthy night time snacks
CLICK HERE for your detailed guide complete with product buy links and recipes. Buy these things in the next 24 hours. Enjoy the tea tomorrow and make those Chocolate balls within the next 3 days #wegotthis
Week Four! Jan 25-Feb 1. Three quick steps that Stop Nighttime Snacking
Step 1. STOP
Right when you notice the craving, stop everything. Try hard no to DO anything for at least 30 seconds. Just say to yourself “there it is” Know that you are a busy person that is used to doing and your mind is simply looking to do more and bring in more energy so you can keep doing.
Step 2. BREATH
Breath in and out through your nose. Try this pattern: Inhale 4 count Hold 7 count Exhale 8 count. Do up to 5 cycles. OR simply inhale fully through your nose and exhale fully through your nose. This will get you out of your head into your body, it will interrupt the pattern you have of getting a snack. It will also remind you that you do not need to be DOING anymore in your day
Step 3. SET A GOAL That is TOTALLY Doable.
Decide how many nights a week you can totally nail this. You are starting something new and you are going to need to do it for at least 65 days if you want this better habit to stick. I chose 4 nights a week. Once I nail that I can increase to 5 . I will allow myself to snack in the evenings 2 nights a week #bereal
Week Five! Feb 1-8th. Game changer step to Snack without Setbacks
This week we are honing our skills with snacking. Everyone gets snack cravings and often they are when we don’t really need to eat more OR are trying to undo old habits of snacking for better health.
This week simply move your snack to a smarter time! Eat when your body will burn it off and you won’t feel or look bloated later
- Indulge in the BEST Quality and single serving
- High Quality Dark Chocolate (mine is Alter Eco CLICK HERE this is 100% cacao. You can also get 90 or 80% cacao) + 8-10 macadamia nuts unsalted + 1/4 cup coconut flakes, unsweetened)
- My custom Cacao Balls CLICK HERE
- Cinnamon Raisin Toast CLICK HERE + unsweetened nut butter of choice
- OR pick your fave treat! Could be ice cream or a milk shake- just make it the BEST Quality you can find and one serving.
- Eat your treat 5-7 hours before bed – Enjoy it before dinner AND make sure you are moving after you eat it. Could be a workout, could be a walk around the block or some Bodyweight squats while you take phone calls:)
Week Six! The best workout to do when you’ve slept poorly
Watch this video for a full workout that is perfect for those days that you’ve slept less than seven hours.
CLICK HERE for more info on WHY working out when you’ve slept less than seven hours will only make your body HOLD onto body fat and lower your immune health.