Mushrooms are a hot topic right now in the fitness and nutrition world. Mostly due to this guy, Paul Staments (above photo), he’s the leading expert on mushrooms. Recently he’s been proving how they can save our minds, the planet & even the bees! Check out his TED talk HERE
I’m into them because Cordyceps, Reishi & Lion’s Mane have seriously upped my game.. on a daily basis.
Before you learn why. You have to check out this trailer to Stament’s film, Fantastic Fungi. I saw this in December and was blown away!
Anyone who wants a better body, brain or the planet should see this film. Fantasitic Fungi DAY! 3/26/20
CLICK HERE for locations & showtimes
After you watch the trailer, scroll DOWN for what I take daily and why.
Now, anyone can access their most potent powers, thanks to Paul’s company Fungi Perfecti (Olympia, WA)
For the past 5 months I’ve been taking two of his Host Defense products. I dug deep and did a bunch of research on the two I thought would most benefit me. After reading Paul’s Book Mycelium Running + digging into a few podcasts and lengthy nutrition journal articles, I settled on
Lion’s Mane extract- every AM (stays on my bathroom counter)
This mushroom looks like a Lion’s Mane! I love it because it helps us grow new and better brain cells (BDNF) it also
- improves mental focus
- reduces anxiety
- calms the nervous system
- Improves sleep, specifically REM
- repairs nerve cells
- boosts fat metabolism, lowers blood sugar & is a pro-biotic!
This magical fungi works so well because it targets our hippocampus (frontal cortex of the brain) this is our emotional response center.
I also take Cordyceps (stays in my glovebox)- for afternoon boost 3-4 days a week.
This mushroom grows of caterpillar bodies. Seriously!!
I take this on my highly active days (3-4 a week) I don’t take it on days I sit a lot. You will have energy quickly and want to move! This has helped me knock out my afternoon triple Americano. This is because cordyceps
Increase ATP (energy production in your cells) due to it’s CDP compound. It basically allows oxygen into your cells at a higher rate, this helps you produce more energy- quickly!
Protects cells against pathogens- anti cancer, higher immune system, better neurological health has a slow release- it reduces fatigue and keeps my energy clean and steady.
And yes I cook with mushrooms often! I love oyster mushrooms cooked in a little grassfed ghee and served with beautiful swiss chard.
Now – go see Fantastic Fungi on March 26th!
Here’s a quick rundown on nutrition bene’s to mushrooms!
- chock full of nutrients (vitamins B, C, D, niacin, fiber, calcium& potassium)
- pro-biotic
- calm your nervous system
- helps you burn body fat
- ward off scary diseases
- boost your energy & keep you focused