VIDEO BELOW. This is THE tool you need if you want to get better at ANY movement. Push ups, squats, jump rope, listening.. literally anything!
GREASE THE GROOVE is basically – taking your goal movement then finding a level you can totally nail it in good form, then doing it often in good form… that’s it.
Basically it’s all about patterning in the way you want to move often. Then you can add intensity. ONCE you’ve done it millions of time in great form.
Here’s my example. Below the video read my steps to do this on your own
1. Pick 1 movement (me= one arm push up)
2. Find the level you can do that movement 10x in perfect connected form (if you don’t know what that is – call me for a 30 min training session online, it’ll be worth it)
3. Practice that perfect connected movement at a light intensity 10 reps (I’m working at 20% of my max)10 reps 3-4 times a day – one – 4 hours between
4. Intensify the load (work at 30-40% of the max) after 3 weeks
5. Trust the Process!!