Protein Smoothies are a godsend! They work in our busy days, feeding us a ton of great stuff to keep us lean, strong, healthy and full:)
Did you know there’s over 20 different kinds of protein powder… from cricket, bones and goat milk to pumpkin seed.
How the heck do you know which powder is best for YOUR smoothie. And how do you make the right choice when you’re in different places (home, juice bar, grocery store, travel pouches)
It can get totally overwhelming, right?!
That’s exactly why I put together this quick access guide. I want you to have something super easy that ANYone can use to find the BEST protein powder.
TA DA!! I hand you THE totally understandable guide to picking YOUR best protein powder. Are you super excited? You should be:)
I’ll send this Freebie Guide ( a downloadable PDF) right to your inbox. This way you can print it off, put it in your partner’s satchel or forward to your workout buddy. Don’t forget to share this info, you never know they may be suffering alone, lost and confused in the protein aisle:)
We can all do better, we just gotta know better Till next week,