I’ve created this page to honor my father, Gene Koselke. His body was here with us on earth from 3/5/1951-7/28/2022.
Gene left a blue rose (image below) and a note with these words (quote below) in his Spokane home. I share these with you in hopes that they bring you some comfort and understanding.
“ My life has been fulfilled and fulfilling. Death is the way utilized as a way away from this existence. It is not an ending as I saw it… it is a transformation. Death in many ways is welcome, as I am no longer suffering in this physical form. I have been returned to the universe, but my essence and presence is still here with you, just different now. What still remains with you is the vibrant me with the good and positive energy that was once here. Live on in hope and love, and be at peace with yourself and those closest to you” (Gene Koselke, July 2022)
(Dad also left a poem. Scroll down to the image of the Blue Rose for this poem)
Gene left his body on Thursday 7/28/22 at 4:15 PM. He surrendered.
He knew that his health was rapidly declining and he could not go on existing as the human that he truly was. Gene suffered from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/ Myalgic Encephalomelitis since the late 1990’s. His condition steadily worsened. He did the best he could to live with this illness. I have put a link at the end of this page for more info on CFIDS/ME to help us better grasp why he chose to exit this earth.
How he died does not matter, if you know Gene you know to honor him & respect this. My father loved and lived to his fullest capabilities. This I know for sure.
I am deeply grateful that he was my Dad. He taught me & others so much in so many ways. He taught me to:
- Work hard
- Take risks
- Listen & listen more
- Laugh hard (often with a snort!)
- Lighten up
- Forgive myself
- Hold compassion for others
- Laugh at my mistakes and try again
- Smile big
- Love
- Learn
- Let myself fall & fail
- To keep my heart open
He encouraged me to keep learning and to keep a strong sense of wonder & awe of the spirit of the land and energy around me. He knew that we are all connected and did his extreme best to be a good human.
At times, in his struggling human body, Gene felt overwhelmed and or that there was something wrong with him. Sometimes he separated himself from others. He would laugh as he called himself a “wanderer” or a “curmudgeon”.
The truth is Gene had a high sensory body & sensitive soul. This can be a difficult combination to walk around in human form with. Especially when struggling with a chronic illness.
Here is the BLUE ROSE (CLICK here for article he had pinned to this rose)
Gene typed on a note for me:
“And lastly, a poem…”
Do not stand at my grave and weep
I am not there, I do not sleep
I am the one thousand winds that blow
I am the diamond glints in the snow
I am the sun on ripened grain
I am the gentle autumn rain
When you awaken in the morning’s hush
I am the swift uplifting rush
Of quiet birds in circled light
I am the soft star that shines at night
Do not stand at my grave and cry
I am not there; I did not die
Gene specified for his cremated remains to be scattered on 2 different beaches by his daughters. Heather and grandchild will scatter on Camano Island . Bre and Chris Bicknell will scatter on Isla Coronado in Loreto, Mexico.
Peace, Bre Bicknell
Please see comments below to share memories and kind words.