You know how you have that ONE thing you really want to get done, but you just can’t seem to just do the work you know you need to do? Congrats, you’re human! We all do what we want rather than what we should.
Great news is there’s an APP that gets us to finally stick with doing the work we MUST do to get what we really want.
UNWIND APP, from Psychiatrist & Neuroscientist Jud Brewer. SCROLL DOWN for link to free 28 day trial.
So you can get a feel for what Dr. Jud is all about Here’s his TED TALK on making changes that stick
Here’s a sneak peak of the work he gives in the first module
The Feedback Loop. I detailed the steps below for you (this is a game changer for me!)
STEP 1: – write out this template
then plug in YOUR STUFF (mine is above)
This is your new habit loop!
What you will do to stop falling into old habits that are holding you back.
Here’s mine (below)
I’ve been practicing this daily & it’s working!
When I feel overwhelmed. I
2. Step away from my computer and phone
3. Breathe
4. Name it to tame it – SAY what I am feeling
5. Get fresh air (step away from my workspace) for a minute and let myself FEEL that feeling for 2 mins.
Then I say how I wanna feel (my twist) – ex: “calm, decisive, grateful”
This has helped me move on -I’m more productive and created some online videos that teach people how to feed themselves better daily. Watch out for that!
I can’t wait for this all to happen. I just gotta keep practicing my new GOOD habit feedback loop!
No GO, Draw out your own Feedback Loop and get UNstuck
Happy New Year, 2020!!