Golden Milk – This stuff is freakin’ magic
Seriously. It helps you sleep better, burn more fat, decrease recovery time between workouts/ working your body hard, decrease inflammation, increase immune system and has anti cancer and mental health benefits
I started drinking this when I had some giant family drama going on- couldn’t sleep and was totally holding onto body fat.
Now that’s gone – the drama and the fat , thank heavens!!
I still tap into this a few times a week. Helps me sleep better + speeds up recovery btwn hard strength workouts/ stresses on the body.. Oh and it keeps colds at bay, boosts our immune system and crushes nighttime snack cravings!
A soothing drink made with high quality fats and spices (coconut milk, coconut oil, turmeric, black pepper, cinnamon and ginger) It’s an ancient Indian Ayurvedic remedy.
Us Western World folk only began learning of this a few years ago. Lucky for you and I there’s an awesome company that’s perfected the recipe and makes it super easy for us to access the drink whenever we like
USE Gaia Goldenmilk mix. Just add your milk of choice, heat, mix and enjoy! CLICK HERE for info
What I love most is that Gaia has dates, black pepper and ashwaganda in it!
1.The date powder – keeps the drink slightly sweet (not very) – but definitely makes it more tasty WITHOUT raising glucose much.. very minimal amount. Great sweetener source! ,
2. ASHWAGANDA! Love this herb – It’s one of the most prevalent Ayurvedic sources and in India means “smelly horse” – On it’s own – it has a fould smell – but not in the mix – It’s powers are to 1. Increase Strength ( hence the “horse”) 2. Decreases Inflammation 3. Decreases mental anxiety and stress 4. Helps you sleep! It’s your chill pill
3. Black Pepper – Necessary to release the curcumin in Turmeric – this is turmeric’s most potent health property. Curcumin is an anti cancer property, as well as aids digestion and reduces inflammation and stress in the body.
You can also make this on your own — BUT I say just buy GAIA’s set up… it’s hard to find ground ashwaganda and cost
You can find this at PCC, Whole Foods, most Co Ops AND on AMAZON – CLICK here
I enjoy golden milk 3 nights a week – when I need more recovery, sleep and gotta perform big the next day!
If you’re a DIY kinda human -scroll down to make it yo’self!
homemade recipe
Turmeric Paste
turmeric powder 1/4 cup
water – 1/2 – 3/4 cup
stir over low heat 7-10 mins
stir to make paste –
(I keep this in a small tupperware container in my fridge) – you only need 1 tbsp per cup.
1 cup coconut milk (full fat)
1 cup almond milk ( or hemp or rice)
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp coconut oil
1 tsp – 1 tbsp turmeric paste (above)
1 tsp chopped ginger
4 black peppercorns ** a must to release nutrients from turmeric
2 tsp raw honey
stir over low heat stir occasionally
strain – to release ginger and back peppercorns
Sip and Enjoy