It can be really hard to be human. Doing is easy, staying busy we can handle pretty well. It’s the Being that gets tricky.
When we slow down and just be, that’s when things can go downhill quickly. That is when we notice the voice in our head. This is the mind babbling as is navigates every scenario you approach in your day. Experts have proven that this voice is there to keep us safe.
There are 4 specific experts that I turn to often. I listen to their TED talks, read their articles and review practices from their books. They give me sanity and hope often. I thought I’d share them with you.
All four experts (below) agree that this voice is there to keep us safe. Each one explains what this voice is, from a scientific viewpoint. They also all offer simple, strategic ways to navigate daily life and find peace of mind.
Below are 4 science backed resources that help us all understand and navigate that voice so you can have easier days and feel better.
**Also, turns out Oprah backs all four of these amazing guides as well! I’ve left links to free and quick resources from each guide/author.
- Dr. Kristin Neff. Professor and author on self-compassion. The science behind why it gets us out of depression and why it helps us achieve more and feel better.
Article from Oprah Magazine: https://www.oprah.com/inspiration/how-positive-self-talk-can-get-you-through-tough-times
Tara Brach Podcast with Kristin Neff.https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/tara-brach/id265264862?i=1000526041170
minutes 18-22 are gold in that podcast episode.
2. Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor,Ph.D, Neuro-Anatomist and Best Selling Author
CLICK here for free B.R.A.I.N resource from Dr. Jill. I use this daily (no joke)
This woman saved my life.
Two years ago, I was struggling big time. I was feeling immensely fragile and hopeless. I had a therapy session and was advised to watch Dr. Jill’s Ted Talk and to check out her book, Whole Brain Living
That same evening I watched her Viral Ted TALK (The first TED talk to ever go viral)!
I immediately bought her Whole Brain Living Book. I finished it in one week and I use her B.R.A.I.N roadmap every single day.
This book is a must read for every living human.
It breakdowns what is happening in our human brain in a totally understandable way
Even more important, it teaches you how you can step out of your thoughts & easily navigate your choices to BE how you truly want to be in everyday life.
CLICK HERE for 15 min TED talk
CLICK HERE for 40 minute episode with OPRAH
CLICK HERE to buy her book
Every human should know this information. I wish I had known this before I turned 18.
3. Michael Singer, Teacher on “How to separate the voice in your head from the real you”
Best Selling Author of Untethered Soul +
CLICK HERE for his book
CLICK HERE for his Podcast
CLICK HERE for episode with Oprah
4. Eckhart Tolle. Author of A New Earth
Teaches people how to stop identifying with the thoughts in your mind. How to live in the present moment and how to let the voice in your head pass by.
CLICK HERE for 5 min clip on Oprah HUGELY HELPFUL on thoughts of the past. I watch this a few times a year
CLICK HERE for his book A New Earth
CLICK her for his Essential Teachings Podcast Hosted by Oprah Winfrey
Bonus guide if you’re into spirituality..
5. Marianne Williamson , A Return to Love
She is a spiritual guide, political activist and author. Her book a Return to Love sold more than 1.5 million copies and has been published in 23 different languages.
I never would have read her work until Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor (above) stated that A Return to Love helps her find calm and regain sanity. Once I heard that in a webinar from Dr. Taylor I bought the audiobook. Eight minutes in and I was floored.
Marianne Williamson had called me out in a direct and loving way. I have now read 4 more of her books.
A Return to Love has immensely helped me find hope in myself and humanity
CLICK HERE for her episode with OPRAH
CLICK HERE for her book
CLICK HERE for her site
Therapist Referrals:
Therapists in the Seattle area AND also do virtual coaching anywhere
- alisonwithey.com (my therapist for the past 5 years. She is currently full)
- conniecurlett.com (I have used Connie in the past and highly recommend her)
- https://www.nancyhavercounseling.com
- https://www.kathleendowdyoga.com/ Therapy through Yoga and Energy clearing
- sensitivehearthealing.com
- lightbydahn.com (My shamanic healer)
- NAMI = National Association for Mental Illness. Fantastic Online Resource for information
**Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor has been a huge contributor to their information!
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