Many people think running is something all of us should do and enjoy it. Blech! I have to tell you, running is overrated.
And I ran varsity cross country and track in high school!
Now, I do totally understand that running is a great way to get some fresh air and makes it easy to get in some needed cardio.
But, if you simply can’t (injured, bad weather, dangerous routes) or if your body truly hates running.. whattya do?
I don’t know about you, but I’ve run into (pun intended) all the above issues before.
As a previous runner and certified personal trainer I am thrilled to give you some great news!
I hope you got super excited after reading that:)
I’ve got great options for you that don’t require a bunch of equipment OR gym time
READ below!
To keep your heart rate up and stay lean try these out
Kettlebell Swings
Nothing burns more fat than weights. And a fast moving weight incinerates fat! Now because you can move fast and hit a lot of muscles at once.. and becasue your body is moving up and down (without impact) – you are getting in some crazy high cardio.
The bell is your best friend if you wanna get in cardio and have limited resources (time and money)
Try out this workout (AFTER you’ve enrolled in a few intro classes at your closest SFG kettlebell studio) CLICK HERE to find the best instructors near you
- 20 swings
- 5-10 push ups
- lying stretch – 1 minute
2. Rowing
Ergs are fantastic!
Inexpensive (check out craigslist for a C2 rower) AND they work your entire body
try this out:
100 meters at medium pace – (above 30 SPM)
200 meters at high pace – (above 50 SPM)
repeat for up to 20 mins
3. Upright Bike
- Easy for 30 secs
- hard and fast for 2 mins
Repeat for up to 20 mins
4. Jump Rope!
so basic and so great!! Head to your closest park, yard or high ceiling area with your jumprope
- 3 mins jump rope
- 10 slow leg lowers (lie on back, hands under head and head down. Legs go up above hips. Slowly lower both legs, Keeping your back flat. Once you hit a point it’s hard to keep you back flat – SUPER SLOWLY raise your legs back up)
Do both back to back – up to 20 mins