Yes! you can enjoy pizza AND stay lean and healthy.
I’ve got your back, with great go-to’s. No matter if you’re in the mood to settle into your couch with some Netflix, throw a party OR head out on the town, you’ll know exactly how to enjoy the dinner pie with these set ups
Option 1: I want pizza in 10 mins !
Buy a great Gluten Free crust from the store.
This means heading to a Trader Joe’s or your local co-op for great options. There’s a ton of great pre-made gluten free crusts out there. Just ask your friendly grocer what fridge section to find them on.
2. Unwrap GF crust, Top with light drizzle of olive oil. spread evenly
3. Add some delicious goat cheese or pecorino
4. Bake according to package
5. Spice it up with some pre-cooked meat and veg
pre-cooked salmon, raw anchovies, pre-lamb or chicken sausage
arugula, spinach, avocad0
Option 2: I have some time to make an amazing crust that will impress my friends and family AND give me leftovers to freeze and enjoy later
Option 3: I am headed out to the hot new pizza spot in town
Here’s your healthiest set up.
- Gluten free crust
- Goat cheese, sheep (pecorino) or buffalo milk mozzarella
- Olive oil or Pesto base
- Spinach or Arugula
- Anchovies, salmon, chicken sausage or lamb
Just curious, why skip the tomato sauce?
Great question Amy! Tomatoes can be inflammatory to many as they are a nightshade. Also unless you are making your own there can be a lot of added cheap sodium and sugar.
To keep you all lean and happy I keep all my recipes and food recs – non inflammatory, non dairy, no sugar and grain free.
Here’s an awesome tomato free Pizza sauce recipe I love:) Hope you enjoy it!