Seems like lots of you awesome people have trips coming up. If so you’re gonna love this!
I created an awesome workout for two kickass ladies I train, Patty and Kimberly. They let me video them doing it, so we could share the fun moves with you!
They are headed off to Vietman on a bike trip! BUT they totally need some moves that keep them flexible and strong with all that cycling. This workout packs it all: Core work, flexibility, balance and strength. BEST PART is you don’t need any equipment, just a small towel for 1 move:)
So no matter if you’re vising inlaws in Wisconsin or pedaling through Vietnam… this’ll keep you strong, lean and feeling fanfreakin’tastic!
Below is the full thing in fast motion. So you get a quick overview. DON”T FREAK OUT!
I have it in reg motion and broken down to 2 parts (to easily digest) AND in case you don’t have time to do full workout.
20 mins will do the job for 4-6 rounds. But if you’ve got only 5 or 10 mins. Pick your fav – Part 1 or Part 2. Detailed steps are below each VID. No Excuses here!
Leave me a comment, so I know how this went over for you:)
Get all the moves step by step! Just look below the next 2 vids. I break it down for you:)
Part 1 of 2 Travel Workout
1. Crossover Tap 1/1 alt
2. Rock and Roll 5x
3. Elevated Hip Rocks 5x
4. Down Dog to Plank 5x
5. Crane to single leg deadlift TO 2 pushups and walk back to crane. ALT sides 2/2 till 4 total
6. Squat Jumps 20
DO ALL above in order 3x then take on Part 2 OR do 4-6 rounds above.
PART 2/2 Travel Workout. Detailed Steps below this VID
Part 2 moves
- Towel Pullover 1x + 2 deadbug leg lowers = 6 pullovers= 12 leg lowers
- Hip Bridge reachover 2/2 alt
- Gorilla Burpees – 4 right (360 degree) 4 left (360 degree)
- Shiva Squats – 5 one leg then 5 other
Repeat for 4 rounds:)