Little Buddies
Video Nutrition Lesson + 2 Downloadable Take Action Guides
Ready ANYtime You Are!
Little Buddies are 3 on the go foods that keep you feeding yourself better on busy days
Pocket size healthy foods you can enjoy anywhere (no utensils or sitting needed)
These 3 have saved my ass for years. That’s why I call them my “Little Buddies”
They’ve gotten me through days filled with bad news and adrenaline fueled action.
They’ve also gotten me through fun filled road trips, stay at home weekends (filled with brunches with friends and happy hours) and jam packed workdays
Little Buddies are THE most simple way to eat healthy, no matter what comes up.
Stuff like:
- Eating out at ANY restaurant
- Long travel days (airports, cars, etc..)
- Drive thru Dinners
- Long workdays
- Friend get together s & parties
- Kids events (parties, practices, appointments, school events)
All 3 little buddies have a shelf life of at least 9 mos, and fit in any pocket. But there is a trick to them.
This short lesson shows you exactly how to get the most benefits from all 3 Buddies.
- What each Buddy does for you
- Step by step instructions on when to eat each one in your day (& why this is crucial)
- Where to buy all 3
- How to set them up for bulletproof days
- Why this complete set up will keep you lean, energized and kick brain fog.