I came up with this set up on a super busy week when I realized there was no way I could get in my regular workouts.
I’ll just say I can be an uptight crab monster when I don’t exercise. So for the sake of myself and all those around me I had to find a way to move daily.
That week, I set two timers a day on my phone.
Those timers made me leave what I was doing and go for a 15 min workout and 5 mins of yoga. This has worked awesome no matter if I was at my office, living room or a park.
This actually worked like a charm! I knew my timer was gonna go off so I hunkered down and nixed the chit chat with co-workers. I got my work done way faster!
I will say I made sure I had some essential fitness gear stocked in my car. Otherwise, lets face it – you’ll be super distracted and uncomfortable with the jiggles and loose bits. To keep all excuses at bay, I packed a bag with a sports bra, hairband and shoes to keep in my car.
I stopped by a park on the way to my nephew’s school and did some sprints with pushups and jumps.
Then I rolled out the yoga mat, pumped out some simple moves, did a finishing stretch and rolled it all up to roll up to the school with 4 minutes to spare!
I’ve written below exactly what I did.
If you do this 3x through that’s 15 mins. Do these in the order listed.
- Sprint 30 secs, Run 1 min – Twice= 3 mins
- 5 Pushups
- 10 Squat Jumps(squat and touch the ground with both hands, JUMP and throw your arms to the sky)
- 5 Pushup
- 10 Squat Jumps
Give yourself a few mins at the end for some sweet stretches:)
So why was I so determined to fit this in? Because I know just how horrible it feels to give myself up and give into daily distractions and demands.
I know you can do it all today, without losing yourself. It just means keepin’ things real for what is happening today!
Oh! You can learn what exactly burns more fat and how to incinerate it in less gym time by checking into my PODCAST Episode #4 – Releases on November 8th, 2016. Find it on this page and on iTunes!! Just type in “Burn Brighter”