What you do when S*** hits the fan, and you’re end up eating crappy and feeling gross while you deal with it.
So last week as I sat down in front of my laptop for a health coaching call (skype) .
I took a deep breath once her camera turned on.
She was a hot mess. Literally.
Bloated face, puffy eyes, messy hair and sporting some super unflattering giant sweater. Some s*** had obviously hit the fan for her.
She confessed she’d fallen off the wagon. For the last week she hadn’t gotten in any workouts and had been eating whatever she could reach for.
Her basement flooded, she was under the gun at work and then her 8 year old son broke his arm at school last week.
She did what any good human would do.. begged for mercy from her boss for an extension, called a plumber and rushed to the school.
But this didn’t just affect one day– it knocked her back for a good week with doctors visits, repair visits and calls for the house and then of course she fell behind at work and just couldn’t seem to focus to get her project done well.
We’ve all been there! Crappy thing is, sometimes this can happen A LOT- like at least a couple times a month for many people.
This had in fact been the case for Jessie at least once a month. She had amazing intentions, , but could never stay on track due to the S*** that keeps hitting her fan of life!
Sometimes this just happens.. no matter how much you meditate, go to yoga, get in the workouts and make time for others.
Rather than giving her a pass for falling off the wagon, I told her we would come up with a rock solid plan so the next time her house fell apart, someone had to go to the hospital and she had to put in long hours at work.. she could not feel like a sad lard ass from all the stress, shoddy sleep and ordering pizza (just to get something on the table for dinner)
Here’s our awesome “This day sucks! Keep me from feeling like a lard ass on top of it all” Plan
“This day sucks! Keep me from feeling like a lard ass on top of it all”
As soon as you have 15 mins free- get to your best natural grocery store. This is not the time to be cheap.. you need all the help you can get. You can worry about money later- right now you need to stay fueled and healthy.
KNOW THIS – when you are stressed out or run down YOUR BODY WILL CRAVE CARBS. It wants quick fuel.
That cereal, sandwiches, pastries, chips and crackers will make your brain foggy and your body tired. You gotta be running on all cylinders right now!
PLUS.. who knows when you can get in a workout, you’re gonna get all puffy and jiggly if you keep grabbing take out and coffee shop pastries.
Time to get your Battle Plan on!
Soon as you can – get to that whole foods, natural market or hippy co-op!
1. First hit up the hot food bar.
Grab a few to go containers and fill up 3-4 containers with these seperate items
- Cooked meat dish – opt out of those swimming in butter, cream, milk or cheese. COCONUT cream or milk is fine. As is ghee
- Baked Veg – stuff like brussel sprouts, yams, sweet potatoes, green beans. Steer clear of white potatoes (remember you have to skip your workouts, and you simply won’t break those down well)
- Soup- Jessie remembered an awesome thai soup that her whole foods has that is not full of creams or cheeses
- IF YOU HAVE KIDS – grab an option they are sure to eat. Noodles, rice, mac and cheese (they are not slower burning, stressed adults!)
2. Next head to the salad bar/ prepped veg area
Grab a few containers.
In the first – load up with
- 3 different bright colored veg – ex: grated carrots, shredded beets and green peas
Next box =
- 2 different leafy greens – ex: kale and spinach
Third box =
- 2 different cooked proteins – ex: hardboiled eggs, cooked turkey or chicken
Then grab
- a non creamy salad dressing in a small leak free containers –
I like pre-filling 3 to go dressing containers with an awesome tahini or balsamic dressing
3. Last = Head to the produce section and a couple inner aisles for a few quick grabs.
- 3 apples
- 3 nutrition bars
- 3 giant bottles of water – at least a liter
- 2 kombuchas
- 1 box non dairy milk (hemp, almond, rice…)
- Best GF/ paleo granola you can find – -Some of my favs are Purely Elizabeth, Primal Island and Engine 2
4. Now Go Home. Get out your ziplocs and tupperware.
I know you have stuff to do, but take 5 mins to divvy out the goods. You never know what make come at you tomorrow.
- Drink 1 liter of water
- Breakfast = Paleo granola + almond milk
- snack = hardboiled egg or deli turkey + bottle of water
- Lunch = leafy greens with bright veg and yummy non dairy dressing
- snack = apple + bottle of water
- Dinner = Cooked veg with pre-cooked meat and maybe some of that awesome soup on top or on the side.
This took very little time AND you are keeping your energy up, your brain will function better AND you won’t feel like a lard ass!!
Stay tuned for more totally doable set ups to get you the body you want, while you keep your family happy and live a REAL life!