So, my version a a perfect Sunday is filling myself with awesome stuff. I’m talking stuff that lifts me up and makes me smile. In my world that’s good ‘ol iron, flowing moves and amazing foods.
Then, I take it easy! In fact I pretty much sit and watch movies the rest of my day. Ya gotta rest that greatness to make it all happen again tomorrow:)
Get the Goods!
- 1 cup frozen kale
- 1 scoop “amazing grass” powdered greens
- 1 cup water
- 1/2 cup almond milk
- 2 inches fresh ginger grated
- 1 garlic clove
- 1 Scoop protein powder (I love VEGA)
- 1 date (pitted)
Blend that goodness, then settle in for some sweet shows:
What I’m watching:
- Friday Night Lights (re-watching)
- OA – creepy sci fi thriller series
- Begin Again – LOVE THIS MOVIE!!