Okay, so this stuff really works. Coolest part it’s super simple and cuts down on your gym time.
Turns out that if you grip something very hard (specifically with your hands or thighs) you will turn on your abs more.
For example – if you crush these weights with your hands:
Or squeeze the heck out of a yoga block with your thighs:
You’ll make your abs work harder INSTANTLY. This will make you leaner and stronger in less time.
Super Efficient, Sooo cool!
We all need that:)
So how the heck does this work? Great Question, I wondered the same thing.
I did some fun digging and found some awesome science to back this stuff. I’ve got it all oulined for you below.
If you’re not into that science right now, you can jump right to this crushing work for your abs NOW
Check Out My 3 Top Grip Moves for Tighter Abs.
The Videos are in that Guide
I’ve set you up up with a step by step guide of each move, as well as a VIDEO of each one! Oh and you’ll also get a complete workout that puts these all together so you can get going and know exactly what to do.
CLICK HERE for that Guide, I’ll drop it right in your inbox
Now for the Science!
How exactly does gripping something harder make our Abs work more?
I’ve got a short and sweet rundown for you. Keep reading:)
Basically, when you grab hold of something tightly you contract certain muscles.
Those muscles that are doing the crushing, wake up nearby muscles. This is known as energy centers or power points in the body. In yoga we call these “bandhas” In strength ( gym/weights) we call this process irradiation.
There’s a few super powerful grip points in your body that happen to wake up your core, your center, your ABS!
These areas are your hands (palms,fingers,wrists) and your Inner Thighs (adductors)
Let me give you a run down of this principle from both yogi and lifter’s view.
First for the Yogi’s
3 Bandhas / Core Locks. By creating tension in each of these energy spots you turn on some magic.
Jalandhara Bhanda- With intense breath work, you contract and release your diaphragm. This increases metabolism and thyroid health.
Done in yoga with deep Ujjayi breath. Or ever done this chin breath thingy? Yup that’s a bhanda exercise
Uddiyana Bhanda– Abdominal Lock – Turns on deep abdominal muscles, mostly transverse abdominal muscle
Mula Bhanda- Pelvic Floor Lock – This helps support the spine and also taps into deep core muscles. Here’s a couple well known moves that hit Mula
Now for the LIFTER’s take on why gripping gets us core work.
I learned of this from Pavel Tstsouline through his Strong First Coaching Program. You can also find it in his book. Power to the People he’s pretty much king of kettle bell training. (www.strongfirst.com)
In strength training- grip is everything. You are only as strong as your grip.
And if you’re smart you know that strong is the new skinny. So, if you wanna drop some belly, and see a little definition, you better grab hold of some weights!
The reason why grip turns on your deep core muscles with weights is due to a scientific principle called “irradiation”
Muscle irradiation works by creating tension in surrounding muscles which increases neuro-muscular recruitment within the target muscles.
so the harder a muscle contracts, the harder the surrounding muscle contracts.
In the Hardstyle plank, the fists irradiate a full-body contraction up through the lats and down through the anterior core, glutes, quads, and even the muscles of the lower legs. This style of planking is so intense that sets can last no longer than 10 or 15 seconds.
When the core is strong, the frame of the body is supported. This means the neck and shoulders can relax, and the rest of the muscles and joints are freed to do their jobs, not more.
Same thing with a kettlebell swing. Here at the top of the swing I am crushing the heck out of that bell handle.
That hand griping ignites the muscles up my arm into my shoulder and down into the core.
That and the actual gripping of my thighs here do this as well.
Kettlebell moves are where it’s at for firing your core. And it’s all thanks to gripping and crushing your hands and thighs.There’s lots of other cool stuff that happens, but I’ll stick to this topic.
Okay – just to make darn sure you get this. Here’s some fun anatomy pictures
This is your full body. Don’t worry about the words. Just check out how these muscles look like bands and they wrap and wind into each other.
All these muscles talk to each other
e a look at what’s happening when you crush your inner thighs:
These red muscles are your adductors (inner thigh muscles)
Look at what’s right above them! Your pelvic floor and deep abs.
That’s why a tight booty and inner thighs mean a tight gut as well!
Okay – so what about those hands.
Why the heck does a tight hand grip tight turn up your ab work?
Down that dissapearing arm is your forearm and fingers, So when you use your hand fully and with vigor.
That work travels up the arm into your shoulder, down your upper back and chest and looky there! Right below your chest is your deep abs!
So there you have it! Whether you call it “Bandhas” or “Irradiation” this stuff works.
Grab onto stuff, crush it! And get tighter abs in less time. CHECK OUT THE VIDEO + Step by Step Guide