Nope this is not some high performance jaw compression sleeve to help my one arm push up (insert laugh here) . I am sporting a sexy ice pack due to my gum surgery yesterday.
After a few of these gum surgeries + some other life setbacks, I’ve developed a pretty sweet arsenal that gets me to heal faster and quickly feel better. I’ve put them below with exact steps to follow.
These tools are perfect for days/ times when you FEEL 1. Run down/ low immune 2.mentally and emotionally burned out 3.sluggish and bummed 4.Done in from crappy eating/overindulging out AND for when you CANNOT Workout
I cannot wait for you to tap into these – they help big time!
- Sleep, reduce your work hours (if possible) and follow your Doctor’s orders THEN
2. Get lots of greens in you ( See foods below in #4 as well)
I love these green juices – URBAN REMEDY, Glow(whole foods) and EVOLUTION, Essential Greens .** basically find a green juice that does NOT have fruit in it. We want the lowest sugar (even all natural) possible. Go for 2 a day on critical care/ low activity days. Before a light breakfast (after coffee) and mid afternoon (before light dinner)
Tap into these 5 all natural supplements to drastically reduce inflammation and help your nervous system.
- Arnica tablets – reduces swelling, bruising, joint inflammation. Follow directions on box
- Fungi Perfect MYCO Shield – mushroom supplement that boosts your immune system big time
- 5-HTP pills- Boost serotonin and lift your mood! You make this naturally. Some of us humans have less. This can be due to genetic mood and emotional disorders or diets low in tryptophan. What you need to know is when you are sick or injured you need more of this. Low 5-HTP makes us feel super bummed out! This is a serious game changer for me. Try 50 mg daily of 5-HTP (NOW or Stress-Relax are good brands)
- GOOD MOOD tincture by Herb Pharm. a mix of Ashwaganda & St. John’s wort. helps your nervous system chill out so you can feel more relaxed (also helps you sleep better *fine to take during the day)
- L.B.T capsules – I swear by these. Here’s a fun fact. When you poop less- you feel tired and sad. Ever seen a dog take a big poo? It dances and trots energetically afterwards – before that it’s all slow and groany.. same with us! Boost your energy and help your immune system with this LOWER BOWEL TONIC all natural supplement from the HERBALIST – CLICK HERE for ingredients and to order (Pro-tip: When you lift and move less, you poop less. I take these on my rest days – Sundays and Thursdays- follow the directions)
4. Super Healing foods.
All of this is what I’m tapping into big time the next 5 days. All items are high anti inflammatory (inflammatory= “pisses off the human body”). That is because they are high in Healthy fats, Omega-3’s, fiber, calcium, magnesium, iron and B- Vitamins. They are LOW in protein. SUPER PRO TIP: you want to lower your protein when you are less active and not using muscle ( I cannot lift for 10 days – YIKES! – so I am averaging 30 g protein a day)
** see me for more guidance on that. brebrighter@gmail.com ** Also catch my video that goes with this + weekly tips on my Community Support Page CLICK HERE to feel stronger & have easier days