Q: Chocolate is good for you? A: Over 80% Cacao chocolate is good for you. Read that again… Cacao, not Cocoa.
CACAO is the amazing bean itself found in the earth’s most nutrient dense areas (Amazon, Peru…) The beans ground down- still Cacao. Once we treat it and add sugar to it, it becomes Cocoa!
That sugar takes away the superpowers of the Cacao. Hello Inflammation! sugar confuses our human bodies and kicks up an immune response.
Below is a list of the best stuff for you to use:) Scroll below the products to see “Cacao’s 4 Top Jaw Dropping Benefits”
CLICK HERE for my 3 top recipes
Below are great options that you can easily find in stores (Try Whole Foods, Amazon and Co-ops)
#1 Honey Mama CLICK HERE I love this because the sweetener is RAW HONEY.
#2 fav = TAZA Wicked Dark, 95 % dark You will not be able to find any chocolate bar without ANY sweetener in it, if you do- you will most likely hate the taste.. hence the sweeteners.
#3 = Raw, Organic Cacao Powder. Ingredients should only say: Cacao.
Cacao’s 4 Top Jaw Dropping Benefits
- Phentlethylamine (PCA) = Class of chemicals that we produce in our bodies when we fall in love! These class of chemicals are found in abundance in raw cacao. It increases blood flow, focus and alertness
- Anandamide = The BLISS CHEMICAL. CLICK HERE for the down and dirty on this amazing fact
Cacao is the ONLY Non Cannabis plant that contains Anandanide. This is a cannabonoid endorphin found in the human body after we exercise (this includes sex) This is why we feel relaxed + a little high after exercise and sex. Cacao also delivers this to us. AMAZEBALLS! Anandamine, is a “trigger mechanism for endorphin release.” Psychology Today
3. Theobromine = A close chemical relative to caffeine. Cacao actually has very little caffeine. It has more theobromine! Unlike caffeine, this is not a nervous system stimulant = good! Theobromine dilates the cardiovascular system, making the heart’s job easier.
4. Tryptophan = nutrient that creates serotonin production. We all want more serotonin. This is the neurotransmitter that reduces anxiety. It helps humans instantly feel calm, handle stress better & sleep better. It is similar in structure to melatonin and DMT.
More of cacao’s nutrients:
- Packed with protein, fiber and antioxidants
- A great source of iron and magnesium, which makes it amazing for high performing bodies with elevated strength and cardio needs..
- Magnesium=helps keep us calm! The high magnesium content helps us relax so nutrients flow through the body more easily and can be put to use more readily.
- Cacao also contains Tryptophan, a powerful nutrient that is key to making serotonin,
- Serotonin and endorphins are the feel good chemicals in our bodies that also help reduce anxiety.
Here’s the big take away: Eat Cacao! The higher the cacao, the healthier it is. A little goes a long way:
Choc bar – like Taza = 3x a week max @ 1 thumb size. Twice a week for weight loss OR
Hot Choc – 2 x a week – 12 ounces max (recipe makes 2). Once a week if your goal is weight loss
OR Honey mama – 1/3 a package twice a week. once a week if your goal is weight loss