Awww, summer. Such a great time to chill out and hang out with our besties.
The sun brings us out, right?! Why the heck would you settle in with Netflix when you could meet a friend for happy hour on some sun drenched patio:) So awesome!
What’s not awesome is being hot and tired.
It happens to the best of us. Yes, the sun can zap our energy, but that social calendar filled with activities can really do us in.
So how the heck do you keep enjoying all the cool stuff AND stop being so tired and hot? If you’ve been sweating your face off and craving a good night’s sleep then listen up,
You’re gonna love this…Change your foods!
Without taking any time or energy you can quickly drop your body heat, get more energy AND banish any belly bloat that’s got you packing a cover up.
I’ve got 6 amazing goodies for your on the go days, sure to cool you off and keep you lean.
Best part is they’re packaged and totally healthy! CLICK HERE for your 6 grab and go foods guide. Learn WHY these specific foods keep you chill. lean and better yet know how to get them in your day.
If you’re curious as to why and how these products work so great, READ ON! I broke it all down for you below
Let’s get right to it. There are 6 foods you that cool you off and keep you going.
- Spirulina
- Turmeric
- Cayenne
- Ginger
- Coffee
- Almonds
That’s right, no watermelon, berries or salmon here. Surprising! Right?
I’ll explain
You most likely know all about inflammatories and anti- inflammatories. To keep this easy, just know that some foods piss your body off (Inflammatories) and make your insides literally red, bloated, angry and sucky at their jobs
Anti-Inflammatories literally help out your body. They’re like the good nurse that shows up, gives you a cold compress,calms you down and makes you feel better. The Inflammatories love to hang out in our super convenient foods. Breads, chips, crackers, cookies, sodas,beer and cocktails)
Unfortunately these foods pop up everywhere, especially during summer ( BBQ’s, camping, outdooor concerts, happy hour, picnics, hiking..)
Yup, that’s right.. you’re gonna need to give those party time foods the boot. It’s time to call in the cool foods.
Let’s learn WHY the heck these foods cool us off. It all comes down to 3 simple reasons
1. They take it easy on your gut
Turns out your it takes over half your body’s total energy to digest food. Think of getting half your energy back! You could get way more stuff done and have energy to spare.
2. They keep you full (without feeling stuffed)
Being hungry sucks. It makes you cranky and it takes time to find food, eat and then your body temp changes from that food making your gut work. Ever get the meat sweats, or crave a nap after lunch?
3. They boost your energy
When you get nutrient packed foods in you, they do their job RIGHT away. This is like hiring the best movers you can. They get in, do the heavy lifting and leave you feeling lighter with less stress and a ton more energy!
Those 6 foods above (spirulina,cayenne,turmeric,ginger,coffee & almonds) crush all 3 jobs above. Each one helps your gut, fill you up and kick up your energy.
Here’s how
Here’s each one and how they do it.
Don’t forget to grab my quick guide to know exactly what to buy to get these goodies in your day! CLICK HERE
An edible blue-green algae that is packed with every nutrient you could need. protein, b vitamins, iron, calcium, magnesium… literally all of them! All this great stuff fills you up and suppresses your appetite while helping your gut work better. It also helps keep you regular and relieves constipation and bloating. When you poop more, you get rid of heat and weight. This will cool you down and energize you.
This is a root that comes from the ginger family. It’s highly anti-inflammatory and has a ton of cancer preventing benefits. Most benefits are due to it’s most active constituent, curcumin. Curcumin is the substance that is super high in anti-oxidants and helps your body heal and recover faster. Also super easy on your gut
Yup! This hot pepper and it’s spices will literally cool you down. It’s all thanks this weird things our bodies do.
Turns out there are nerves in our tongue and mouth that have special molecules in them called receptors. As the name suggests, these receptors receive signals from the world outside the nerve. There’s one particular receptor that responds to heat. It’s called the TRPV1 receptor. When you eat or drink hot or spicy stuff, those receptors send a message to your brain- “it’s damn hot here” That signal turns on our natural coolant – Sweat!
So that hot pepper, hot tea, even coffee has an effect on your cooling system. The quicker the heat, the quicker the response. Cool, right?!
This is why people in perpetually warm climates live off tea and spicy foods. India, Pakistan,Greece, Israel, Spain.. they churn our those spices and pour that tea on a daily basis.
Cayenne happens to also be a super cleanser on your GI tract. It’ll scrub out that gunk you coated on with the macaroni, beans, hot dogs and beer. Ya gotta get that stuff out of you (AKA poop) before you can lighten up and have more energy.
Ginger is the bomb! It’s an anti-inflammatory, soothes your gut, boosts your immune system, gives you energy boosting magnesium and prevents cancer.
What the what? Okay this is a bit of a stretch but basically when you drink great coffee your body cools off because of the heat of the drink itself – all thanks to that same TRPV1 receptor and sweating magic I went into above.
But also – coffee is a diuretic. It will help your gut break down stuff and get rid of it. This again will free up energy and literally dump dead weight that’s slowing you down. OH and it’s packed with polyphenols and chlorogenic acid. Both Antioxidants that boost cell defense mechanisms. That means it’s makes your body stronger on every level!
Just make sure you’re getting the best quality coffee and the least altered. That means anything with milk and or sugar is out. Those lattes, frappucinos & mochas totally undo coffee beans’ magic when you dump in the milk and sweeteners.
You need something with lean protein to keep you satiated and not heat you up like meat can do (ever notice how want less red meat in the summer?) Meaty protein’s are great and keep us strong, but they also give our gut a giant workload and can really heat you up and make you tired.
A great trick is to get in some nutrient packed nuts. Almonds keep you full longer and are easier on your gut than many other nuts, including peanuts. Plus they fill that need to crunch – so you keep your mitts off the chips and crackers. This will drop your sodium intake level and keep the puffiness and bloat away.
NOW! Get the products that have these super healthy ingredients all wrapped up and ready for you you to get in you.
CLICK HERE for my Top 6 Products that pack in these foods. Ready for you to grab and go with!