So many people I know eat super great..until the sun goes down. Then all bets are off.
It’s like a colossal crash and burn after a full day of picking great foods and killing their workout, so why do they do this over and over again?
Great news.. You are completely normal if this is you. I too used to find myself taken over by the pantry once I got home, before my jacket was even off I was elbow deep in some crunchy snack.. and it sure as hell wasn’t celery.
Even if it was a healthy choice, like cashews or fruit, I would eat too much.. and often I would do this before dinner, or when I wasn’t even hungry, it was just some crazy ritual I had developed.
After some research while I was in my Nutrition Program, I found the reason why this kept happening to me and my clients.
It’s those damn hormones! It’s also simply habits that we drill in over time, but it’s the hormones that got you doing this muffin top inducing ritual.
See, when we are keeping up with the hustle and bustle of everyday life, running on all cylinders to be everything and everywhere we need to be, we increase our stress hormones.
We don’t realize it when we are in the zone and getting things done, but the moment you finally slow down and arrive at that spot you can finally let go and relax, it all come rushing in.
You suddenly want food, and food that gives you quick energy. This means sugar, carbs.. cookies, crackers, pretzels – this is where you end up with a fistful of the kids goldfish crackers without meaning to.
so what’s a well meaning person to do?!
1.Eat an apple or pear on the way home
Your body wants carbs, so give it one that will give you great nutrients and make you feel temporarily full. Eat this on the bus, subway or in your car. Just pack a napkin in your bag.. things can get sticky.
Also once you get home you won’t be as hungry
2. Breathe!
Literally. Stop yourself before you open that door to your lovely abode. Take 5 deep breaths, this will force you to slow down and realize what you are doing more. It’s your automatic chill pill.
Too rainy or cold outside, stay in your car or under an awning but gosh darn it, just make yourself breathe!
Try this:
- Inhale through your nose for a count of 4.
- Hold for a count of 7.
- Exhale through Mouth for count of 8.
Do that 5x.
Now, open the door and arrive as your better self. The one that doesn’t go to bed stuffed and frowning in the mirror the next day